TED is a replicated, encrypted, scalable and realtime collections based database used in Twake. It works on top of Cassandra, Elastic-Search and RabbitMQ.
Read more about Twake collaborative workspace by Linagora on https://twake.app
Will start a MongoDB + RabbitMQ Ted server. If you want to configure Ted with Cassandra/Keyspaces or SQS, go to the complete documentation.
cd collections/server/
# nano src/config/config.json
"mongodb": {
"url": "mongodb://some-mongo:27017/ted"
"rabbitmq": {
"url": "amqp://some-rabbitmq"
"ted": {
"broker": "RabbitMQ",
"dbCore": "mongodb"
docker network create ted-network
docker run -d --network ted-network -it --name ted-mongo mongo
docker run -d --network ted-network -it --name ted-rabbitmq rabbitmq:3
# docker build -t twaketech/ted . #If you want to rebuild the code
docker run --network ted-network -it -v "/$(pwd)/src/config/:/usr/src/app/src/config/" -p 7250:7250 -p 7251:7251 -p 7252:7252 twaketech/ted --config ./src/config/config.json
Ted will run on localhost:7250
, port 7252 is used for websockets (browser to ted).
cd ../framework/typescript/
yarn install
yarn start:demo
Then open Postman or anything and start creating / getting objects ! For instance:
# PUT http://localhost:9000/api/collections/company/0e44c200-c3ff-4a75-952e-d7e6130a70ed
"object": {
"name": "ACME"
Ted is scalable, if you want to use Ted in multiple nodes, don't forget to add Redis for websockets distribution. Here is what you should add to the configuration:
"redis": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 6379
Ted will automatically connect to Redis and start using it to share work between nodes.
TED is licensed under Affero GPL v3
TED logo was generated with https://getavataaars.com/ ❤️