A Q-learning Agent which plays breakout well (won't lose). Youtube Demo
The breakout game is based on CoderDojoSV/beginner-python's tutorial, and the Q-learning implementation is inspired by SarvagyaVaish/FlappyBirdRL
To start, run:
python game.py [path of the data file]
#for example
python game.py trainedQ_breakout_perfect.npz
python game.py trainedQ_breakout_perfect
python game.py myTest.npz
The script will try to load data from the path you provided, but when file not found, it will initialize a Q array and a new data file will be created upon saving.
To save and quit, close the pygame window.
To speed up, minimize the pygame window, this will also mute the game.
The following python package is necessary to run the script:
- numpy
- pygame