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This repository is created for Coursera PeerAssessments project

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This repository is created for Coursera PeerAssessments project

How script run_analysis.R works:


Script Name: run_analysis.R


This script does the following for the Peer Assessment project

-- Merges the training and test sets to create one data set

-- Extracts only the measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement

-- Uses descriptive activity names instead of the activity lable in the data set

-- Appropriately labels the data set with descriptive variabel names

-- Creates a second, independent tidy data set with the average of each varialbe for each

activity and each subject.

-- Write the tidy data set to a csv format text file tidy_dataset.txt



step0: Assumptions before running this script

-- zip file is downloaded in the working directory and unzipped

-- packages reshape and reshape2 installed and loaded






step1: Merge the test and training data sets to create one data set


step1-1: Read in file features.txt and extract mean and standard deviation measurements


step1-2: Load activity_df and define a function to convert activity_lable to activity_name


step1-2a: Read in file activity_labels.txt


step1-2b: Define function get_activityname()

-- input parameter: activity_lable

-- output: corresponding activity_name


step1-3: Merge test data from subject_test.txt, X_test.txt, and y_test.txt


step1-3a: Read in X_test.txt and extract columns based on selected features


step1-3b: Read in subject_test.txt and y_test.txt


step1-3c: Convert ytest_df from activity_label to activity_name


step1-3d: Merge 3 test data frames


step1-4: Merge train data from subject_train.txt, X_train.txt, and y_train.txt


step1-4a: Read in X_train.txt and extract columns based on selected features


step1-4b: Read in subject_train.txt and y_train.txt


step1-4c: Convert activity_df from activity_label to activity_name


step1-4d: Merge 3 train data frames


step1-5: Merge train and test data frames


step2: Create a second data set with averages of each variable for each activity and each subject


step3: write the data set to a text file


This repository is created for Coursera PeerAssessments project






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