- If you like to take photos, love something looks amazing, and want to share your images with other people, my application can satisfy you.
- In this application, you are able upload your images, see other wonderful images of all users. Beside that, you can interact with other users by leaving your comments on images or click love button on image.
- Project Demo
- Project Scope and Approach
- Technology utilized
- Difficulties / Limitation
- User Stories and Wireframes
- Extra Implementation
The scope of the project is creating an full CRUD app, user can create an account, log in to edit their profile, upload images, edit/delete their images. Also, they can be able to edit/delete their own comments.
- MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database used for high volume data storage
- Cloudinary is a cloud service that offers a solution to a web application's entire image management pipeline.
- EJS is used to generate HTML with plain javascript to append to frontend.
- Method-override is used to to convert HTTP verbs such as PUT or DELETE in places where the client doesn't support it
- shortid is used to create amazingly short non-sequential url-friendly unique ids
- Bcrypt is used to hash and store passwords in database
- Express-session is used to store the user state with each given being assiged a unique session.
- MomentJS is used as a wrapper to handle Date object
- Multer is used to handle multipart/form-data for images uploading
- Bootstrap Material Design is used for CSS framework for HTML and CSS design templates
The objective of the project is to build a working full CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) application using Node.js, MongoDB, Express and EJS that adheres to MVC (Models, Views, and Controllers) file structure.
- Set up a basic MVC structure with basic CRUD routes.
- Set up database with collections and schema validation in the MongoDB
- Built authentication page
- Linked the app to heroku
- Modular testing on the upload file with cloudinary and multer.
Initially this is not in the full code, after basic functional test completed, implement it to the routes.
- Follow the initial wireframe design and user stories
Started with show route for list of all users, then all images, comments, like images and lastly users.
- The application is meeting the mininum viable product (MVP)'s requirements.
- Every user is able to upload image, view other users, view all images, love/unlove image, add comment, delete comment/image, edit comment/image .
- The image file can be uploaded through local file.
- I used user name to link to images, comments, so user can not able to change user name.
- When user changes avata, user's avata in comments is still old avata not new one.
If I user id of user instead of user name, I can allow user to change user name, and I can update user's new avata in comment box.
- Build a better notification so that, when user comments at an image, if other users also comment at this image, user will get a notification about that.
- Create a two layers comment, in that, user can reply a comment.