Starred repositories
#1 Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files
本系统基于若依框架,感谢若依的开源,RuoYi 是一个 Java EE 企业级快速开发平台,基于经典技术组合(Spring Boot、Apache Shiro、MyBatis、Thymeleaf、Bootstrap),内置模块如:部门管理、角色用户、菜单及按钮授权、数据权限、系统参数、日志管理、通知公告等。在线定时任务配置;支持集群,支持多数据源。 #主要特性 完全响应式布局(支持电脑、平板…
Educational framework exploring ergonomic, lightweight multi-agent orchestration. Managed by OpenAI Solution team.
Apereo CAS - Identity & Single Sign On for all earthlings and beyond.
This is a repository of public data sources for Recommender Systems (RS).
Pytorch domain library for recommendation systems
TensorFlow Recommenders is a library for building recommender system models using TensorFlow.
Best Practices on Recommendation Systems
💬 Ready-to-use, flexible RAG Chatbot. 基于大模型和 RAG 的知识库问答系统。
🍺 The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
ModelScope-Agent: An agent framework connecting models in ModelScope with the world
Scratch Implementations of Major Machine Learning Algorithms
Machine Learning From Scratch. Bare bones NumPy implementations of machine learning models and algorithms with a focus on accessibility. Aims to cover everything from linear regression to deep lear…
Weaviate is an open-source vector database that stores both objects and vectors, allowing for the combination of vector search with structured filtering with the fault tolerance and scalability of …
🦜🔗 Build context-aware reasoning applications
Educational materials on deep learning by Weights & Biases
Runtime code generation for the Java virtual machine.
李白 👤 作为唐代杰出诗人,其诗歌作品在中国文学史上具有重要地位。近年来,随着数字技术和人工智能的快速发展,传统文化普及推广的形式也面临着创新与变革。国内外对于李白诗歌的研究虽已相当深入,但在数字化、智能化普及方面仍存在不足。因此,本项目旨在通过构建李白知识图谱,结合大模型训练出专业的AI智能体,以生成式对话应用的形式,推动李白文化的普及与推广。
Industry leading face manipulation platform
🌟 The Multi-Agent Framework: First AI Software Company, Towards Natural Language Programming
NocoBase is an extensibility-first, open-source no-code/low-code platform for building business applications and enterprise solutions.
Open-Sora: Democratizing Efficient Video Production for All