Realtime staging environments.
Node 6.6.0 and greater (security requirement for crypto.timingSafeEqual)
Install project dependencies:
$ yarn
If using GitHub, generate a GitHub token with the repo scope. Set this token in an environment variable:
$ export GITHUB_TOKEN=123
If using GitLab, generate a GitLab token with the api scope. Set this token in an environment variable:
$ export GITLAB_TOKEN=123
Generate a Zeit API token and set it in an environment variable:
$ export ZEIT_API_TOKEN=123
If using a Zeit Team Zeit Team name environment variable:
$ export ZEIT_TEAM=myTeam
To enable Papertrail logging, set the respective environment variables:
$ export && PAPERTRAIL_PORT=1234
To inject environment variables into the staging deployment, set the ENVS
environment variable to a valid JSON object:
$ export ENVS='{"REDIS_HOST": "", "REDIS_PORT": 1234}'
Now start the server:
$ yarn dev
Install ngrok or some other localhost tunnel. Fire it up and point it to port 3000:
$ ngrok http 3000
Setup a test repo on GitHub and configure a webhook using the ngrok url. Choose "Let me select individual events" and choose the "Pull request" event. You also must generate a secret; it should be long and you should not share it with anyone. Use this value here as the webhook Secret.
Now use the same value to set your secret environment variable:
Open a PR on your repo to trigger the webhook. It will also fire on commits pushed to the PR's branch.
Dev away! :)
stage-ci is licensed under the MIT License.