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[SPARK-17647][SQL] Fix backslash escaping in 'LIKE' patterns.
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## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This patch fixes a bug in the way LIKE patterns are translated to Java regexes. The bug causes any character following an escaped backslash to be escaped, i.e. there is double-escaping.
A concrete example is the following pattern:`'%\\%'`. The expected Java regex that this pattern should correspond to (according to the behavior described below) is `'.*\\.*'`, however the current situation leads to `'.*\\%'` instead.


Update: in light of the discussion that ensued, we should explicitly define the expected behaviour of LIKE expressions, especially in certain edge cases. With the help of gatorsmile, we put together a list of different RDBMS and their variations wrt to certain standard features.

| RDBMS\Features | Wildcards | Default escape [1] | Case sensitivity |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| [MS SQL Server]( | _, %, [], [^] | none | no |
| [Oracle]( | _, % | none | yes |
| [DB2 z/OS]( | _, % | none | yes |
| [MySQL]( | _, % | none | no |
| [PostreSQL]( | _, % | \ | yes |
| [Hive]( | _, % | none | yes |
| Current Spark | _, % | \ | yes |

[1] Default escape character: most systems do not have a default escape character, instead the user can specify one by calling a like expression with an escape argument [A] LIKE [B] ESCAPE [C]. This syntax is currently not supported by Spark, however I would volunteer to implement this feature in a separate ticket.

The specifications are often quite terse and certain scenarios are undocumented, so here is a list of scenarios that I am uncertain about and would appreciate any input. Specifically I am looking for feedback on whether or not Spark's current behavior should be changed.
1. [x] Ending a pattern with the escape sequence, e.g. `like 'a\'`.
   PostreSQL gives an error: 'LIKE pattern must not end with escape character', which I personally find logical. Currently, Spark allows "non-terminated" escapes and simply ignores them as part of the pattern.
   According to [DB2's documentation](, ending a pattern in an escape character is invalid.
   _Proposed new behaviour in Spark: throw AnalysisException_
2. [x] Empty input, e.g. `'' like ''`
   Postgres and DB2 will match empty input only if the pattern is empty as well, any other combination of empty input will not match. Spark currently follows this rule.
3. [x] Escape before a non-special character, e.g. `'a' like '\a'`.
   Escaping a non-wildcard character is not really documented but PostgreSQL just treats it verbatim, which I also find the least surprising behavior. Spark does the same.
   According to [DB2's documentation](, it is invalid to follow an escape character with anything other than an escape character, an underscore or a percent sign.
   _Proposed new behaviour in Spark: throw AnalysisException_

The current specification is also described in the operator's source code in this patch.
## How was this patch tested?

Extra case in regex unit tests.

Author: Jakob Odersky <[email protected]>

This patch had conflicts when merged, resolved by
Committer: Reynold Xin <[email protected]>

Closes apache#15398 from jodersky/SPARK-17647.
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jodersky authored and rxin committed Apr 17, 2017
1 parent 01ff035 commit e5fee3e
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Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,30 @@ abstract class StringRegexExpression extends BinaryExpression
* Simple RegEx pattern matching function
usage = "str _FUNC_ pattern - Returns true if `str` matches `pattern`, or false otherwise.")
usage = "str _FUNC_ pattern - Returns true if str matches pattern, " +
"null if any arguments are null, false otherwise.",
extended = """
str - a string expression
pattern - a string expression. The pattern is a string which is matched literally, with
exception to the following special symbols:
_ matches any one character in the input (similar to . in posix regular expressions)
% matches zero ore more characters in the input (similar to .* in posix regular
The escape character is '\'. If an escape character precedes a special symbol or another
escape character, the following character is matched literally. It is invalid to escape
any other character.
> SELECT '%SystemDrive%\Users\John' _FUNC_ '\%SystemDrive\%\\Users%'
See also:
Use RLIKE to match with standard regular expressions.
case class Like(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends StringRegexExpression {

override def escape(v: String): String = StringUtils.escapeLikeRegex(v)
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Expand Up @@ -19,32 +19,44 @@ package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util

import java.util.regex.{Pattern, PatternSyntaxException}

import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String

object StringUtils {

// replace the _ with .{1} exactly match 1 time of any character
// replace the % with .*, match 0 or more times with any character
def escapeLikeRegex(v: String): String = {
if (!v.isEmpty) {
"(?s)" + (' ' +: v.init).zip(v).flatMap {
case (prev, '\\') => ""
case ('\\', c) =>
c match {
case '_' => "_"
case '%' => "%"
case _ => Pattern.quote("\\" + c)
case (prev, c) =>
* Validate and convert SQL 'like' pattern to a Java regular expression.
* Underscores (_) are converted to '.' and percent signs (%) are converted to '.*', other
* characters are quoted literally. Escaping is done according to the rules specified in
* [[org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Like]] usage documentation. An invalid pattern will
* throw an [[AnalysisException]].
* @param pattern the SQL pattern to convert
* @return the equivalent Java regular expression of the pattern
def escapeLikeRegex(pattern: String): String = {
val in = pattern.toIterator
val out = new StringBuilder()

def fail(message: String) = throw new AnalysisException(
s"the pattern '$pattern' is invalid, $message")

while (in.hasNext) { match {
case '\\' if in.hasNext =>
val c =
c match {
case '_' => "."
case '%' => ".*"
case _ => Pattern.quote(Character.toString(c))
case '_' | '%' | '\\' => out ++= Pattern.quote(Character.toString(c))
case _ => fail(s"the escape character is not allowed to precede '$c'")
} else {
case '\\' => fail("it is not allowed to end with the escape character")
case '_' => out ++= "."
case '%' => out ++= ".*"
case c => out ++= Pattern.quote(Character.toString(c))
"(?s)" + out.result() // (?s) enables dotall mode, causing "." to match new lines

private[this] val trueStrings = Set("t", "true", "y", "yes", "1").map(UTF8String.fromString)
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package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions

import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StringType
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{IntegerType, StringType}

* Unit tests for regular expression (regexp) related SQL expressions.
class RegexpExpressionsSuite extends SparkFunSuite with ExpressionEvalHelper {

test("LIKE literal Regular Expression") {
checkEvaluation(Literal.create(null, StringType).like("a"), null)
* Check if a given expression evaluates to an expected output, in case the input is
* a literal and in case the input is in the form of a row.
* @tparam A type of input
* @param mkExpr the expression to test for a given input
* @param input value that will be used to create the expression, as literal and in the form
* of a row
* @param expected the expected output of the expression
* @param inputToExpression an implicit conversion from the input type to its corresponding
* sql expression
def checkLiteralRow[A](mkExpr: Expression => Expression, input: A, expected: Any)
(implicit inputToExpression: A => Expression): Unit = {
checkEvaluation(mkExpr(input), expected) // check literal input

val regex = '
checkEvaluation(mkExpr(regex), expected, create_row(input)) // check row input

test("LIKE Pattern") {

// null handling
checkLiteralRow(Literal.create(null, StringType).like(_), "a", null)
checkEvaluation(Literal.create("a", StringType).like(Literal.create(null, StringType)), null)
checkEvaluation(Literal.create(null, StringType).like(Literal.create(null, StringType)), null)
Expand All @@ -39,45 +61,64 @@ class RegexpExpressionsSuite extends SparkFunSuite with ExpressionEvalHelper {
Literal.create(null, StringType).like(NonFoldableLiteral.create(null, StringType)), null)

checkEvaluation("abdef" like "abdef", true)
checkEvaluation("a_%b" like "a\\__b", true)
checkEvaluation("addb" like "a_%b", true)
checkEvaluation("addb" like "a\\__b", false)
checkEvaluation("addb" like "a%\\%b", false)
checkEvaluation("a_%b" like "a%\\%b", true)
checkEvaluation("addb" like "a%", true)
checkEvaluation("addb" like "**", false)
checkEvaluation("abc" like "a%", true)
checkEvaluation("abc" like "b%", false)
checkEvaluation("abc" like "bc%", false)
checkEvaluation("a\nb" like "a_b", true)
checkEvaluation("ab" like "a%b", true)
checkEvaluation("a\nb" like "a%b", true)
// simple patterns
checkLiteralRow("abdef" like _, "abdef", true)
checkLiteralRow("a_%b" like _, "a\\__b", true)
checkLiteralRow("addb" like _, "a_%b", true)
checkLiteralRow("addb" like _, "a\\__b", false)
checkLiteralRow("addb" like _, "a%\\%b", false)
checkLiteralRow("a_%b" like _, "a%\\%b", true)
checkLiteralRow("addb" like _, "a%", true)
checkLiteralRow("addb" like _, "**", false)
checkLiteralRow("abc" like _, "a%", true)
checkLiteralRow("abc" like _, "b%", false)
checkLiteralRow("abc" like _, "bc%", false)
checkLiteralRow("a\nb" like _, "a_b", true)
checkLiteralRow("ab" like _, "a%b", true)
checkLiteralRow("a\nb" like _, "a%b", true)

// empty input
checkLiteralRow("" like _, "", true)
checkLiteralRow("a" like _, "", false)
checkLiteralRow("" like _, "a", false)

// SI-17647 double-escaping backslash
checkLiteralRow("""\\\\""" like _, """%\\%""", true)
checkLiteralRow("""%%""" like _, """%%""", true)
checkLiteralRow("""\__""" like _, """\\\__""", true)
checkLiteralRow("""\\\__""" like _, """%\\%\%""", false)
checkLiteralRow("""_\\\%""" like _, """%\\""", false)

// unicode
// scalastyle:off nonascii
checkLiteralRow("a\u20ACa" like _, "_\u20AC_", true)
checkLiteralRow("a€a" like _, "_€_", true)
checkLiteralRow("a€a" like _, "_\u20AC_", true)
checkLiteralRow("a\u20ACa" like _, "_€_", true)
// scalastyle:on nonascii

// invalid escaping
val invalidEscape = intercept[AnalysisException] {
evaluate("""a""" like """\a""")

val endEscape = intercept[AnalysisException] {
evaluate("""a""" like """a\""")

// case
checkLiteralRow("A" like _, "a%", false)
checkLiteralRow("a" like _, "A%", false)
checkLiteralRow("AaA" like _, "_a_", true)

test("LIKE Non-literal Regular Expression") {
val regEx = '
checkEvaluation("abcd" like regEx, null, create_row(null))
checkEvaluation("abdef" like regEx, true, create_row("abdef"))
checkEvaluation("a_%b" like regEx, true, create_row("a\\__b"))
checkEvaluation("addb" like regEx, true, create_row("a_%b"))
checkEvaluation("addb" like regEx, false, create_row("a\\__b"))
checkEvaluation("addb" like regEx, false, create_row("a%\\%b"))
checkEvaluation("a_%b" like regEx, true, create_row("a%\\%b"))
checkEvaluation("addb" like regEx, true, create_row("a%"))
checkEvaluation("addb" like regEx, false, create_row("**"))
checkEvaluation("abc" like regEx, true, create_row("a%"))
checkEvaluation("abc" like regEx, false, create_row("b%"))
checkEvaluation("abc" like regEx, false, create_row("bc%"))
checkEvaluation("a\nb" like regEx, true, create_row("a_b"))
checkEvaluation("ab" like regEx, true, create_row("a%b"))
checkEvaluation("a\nb" like regEx, true, create_row("a%b"))

checkEvaluation(Literal.create(null, StringType) like regEx, null, create_row("bc%"))
// example
checkLiteralRow("""%SystemDrive%\Users\John""" like _, """\%SystemDrive\%\\Users%""", true)

test("RLIKE literal Regular Expression") {
checkEvaluation(Literal.create(null, StringType) rlike "abdef", null)
test("RLIKE Regular Expression") {
checkLiteralRow(Literal.create(null, StringType) rlike _, "abdef", null)
checkEvaluation("abdef" rlike Literal.create(null, StringType), null)
checkEvaluation(Literal.create(null, StringType) rlike Literal.create(null, StringType), null)
checkEvaluation("abdef" rlike NonFoldableLiteral.create("abdef", StringType), true)
Expand All @@ -87,42 +128,32 @@ class RegexpExpressionsSuite extends SparkFunSuite with ExpressionEvalHelper {
Literal.create(null, StringType) rlike NonFoldableLiteral.create(null, StringType), null)

checkEvaluation("abdef" rlike "abdef", true)
checkEvaluation("abbbbc" rlike "a.*c", true)
checkLiteralRow("abdef" rlike _, "abdef", true)
checkLiteralRow("abbbbc" rlike _, "a.*c", true)

checkEvaluation("fofo" rlike "^fo", true)
checkEvaluation("fo\no" rlike "^fo\no$", true)
checkEvaluation("Bn" rlike "^Ba*n", true)
checkEvaluation("afofo" rlike "fo", true)
checkEvaluation("afofo" rlike "^fo", false)
checkEvaluation("Baan" rlike "^Ba?n", false)
checkEvaluation("axe" rlike "pi|apa", false)
checkEvaluation("pip" rlike "^(pi)*$", false)
checkLiteralRow("fofo" rlike _, "^fo", true)
checkLiteralRow("fo\no" rlike _, "^fo\no$", true)
checkLiteralRow("Bn" rlike _, "^Ba*n", true)
checkLiteralRow("afofo" rlike _, "fo", true)
checkLiteralRow("afofo" rlike _, "^fo", false)
checkLiteralRow("Baan" rlike _, "^Ba?n", false)
checkLiteralRow("axe" rlike _, "pi|apa", false)
checkLiteralRow("pip" rlike _, "^(pi)*$", false)

checkEvaluation("abc" rlike "^ab", true)
checkEvaluation("abc" rlike "^bc", false)
checkEvaluation("abc" rlike "^ab", true)
checkEvaluation("abc" rlike "^bc", false)
checkLiteralRow("abc" rlike _, "^ab", true)
checkLiteralRow("abc" rlike _, "^bc", false)
checkLiteralRow("abc" rlike _, "^ab", true)
checkLiteralRow("abc" rlike _, "^bc", false)

intercept[java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException] {
evaluate("abbbbc" rlike "**")

test("RLIKE Non-literal Regular Expression") {
val regEx = '
checkEvaluation("abdef" rlike regEx, true, create_row("abdef"))
checkEvaluation("abbbbc" rlike regEx, true, create_row("a.*c"))
checkEvaluation("fofo" rlike regEx, true, create_row("^fo"))
checkEvaluation("fo\no" rlike regEx, true, create_row("^fo\no$"))
checkEvaluation("Bn" rlike regEx, true, create_row("^Ba*n"))

intercept[java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException] {
evaluate("abbbbc" rlike regEx, create_row("**"))
val regex = '
evaluate("abbbbc" rlike regex, create_row("**"))

test("RegexReplace") {
val row1 = create_row("100-200", "(\\d+)", "num")
val row2 = create_row("100-200", "(\\d+)", "###")
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Expand Up @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ class StringUtilsSuite extends SparkFunSuite {

test("escapeLikeRegex") {
assert(escapeLikeRegex("abdef") === "(?s)\\Qa\\E\\Qb\\E\\Qd\\E\\Qe\\E\\Qf\\E")
assert(escapeLikeRegex("a\\__b") === "(?s)\\Qa\\E_.\\Qb\\E")
assert(escapeLikeRegex("a\\__b") === "(?s)\\Qa\\E\\Q_\\E.\\Qb\\E")
assert(escapeLikeRegex("a_%b") === "(?s)\\Qa\\E..*\\Qb\\E")
assert(escapeLikeRegex("a%\\%b") === "(?s)\\Qa\\E.*%\\Qb\\E")
assert(escapeLikeRegex("a%\\%b") === "(?s)\\Qa\\E.*\\Q%\\E\\Qb\\E")
assert(escapeLikeRegex("a%") === "(?s)\\Qa\\E.*")
assert(escapeLikeRegex("**") === "(?s)\\Q*\\E\\Q*\\E")
assert(escapeLikeRegex("a_b") === "(?s)\\Qa\\E.\\Qb\\E")
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