“RLChain: A DRL Approach for Blockchain Performance Optimization Towards IIoT” (TNSM-2024-07530), is being submitted for consideration to IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management.
This is a visualization for DQN based Optimization Framework for Secure Sharded Blockchain Systems paper
Some simulations of blockchain consensus based on ns3. Currently implemented consensus protocols include Raft, Paxos and PBFT.
Containerized Implementation of LightChain Blockchain (research project)
The existing blockchain-related academic papers. All papers are sorted according to the conference and published year. Welcome developers or researchers to add more published papers to this list.
A curated list of academic blockchain-related papers
Shardora: A Dynamic Blockchain Sharding System with Resilient and Seamless Shard Reconfiguration
ShardEval: Sharding-based Blockchain Simulator
This is a Sharding Simulator to study blockchain scalability.
fabric-iot is a Blockchain Based Decentralized Access Control System in IoT
A rapidchain implementation for my master thesis
This repository contains Trustchain (Blockchain) simulations built with OMNeT++
Implementation of blockchain in omnet++ environment
A Proof-of-Stake Blockchain Consensus on Asynchronous Consensus Zones
dkondor / bitcoin
Forked from bitcoin/bitcoinBitcoin Core integration/staging tree
This repository contains the codebase used in the research conducted for the paper titled "Benchmarking Cryptocurrency Forecasting Models in the Context of Data Properties and Market Factors." The …
The list of public blockchain datasets in BigQuery
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