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biemster committed Sep 15, 2022
1 parent e1cf0d6 commit 617859a
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Showing 3 changed files with 259 additions and 1 deletion.
107 changes: 107 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import glob
import datetime
import argparse
import base64,json
import hashlib
import codecs,struct
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
import socket

def bytes_to_int(b):
return int(codecs.encode(b, 'hex'), 16)

def sha256(data):
digest ="sha256")
return digest.digest()

def decrypt(enc_data, algorithm_dkey, mode):
decryptor = Cipher(algorithm_dkey, mode, default_backend()).decryptor()
return decryptor.update(enc_data) + decryptor.finalize()

def decode_tag(data):
latitude = struct.unpack(">i", data[0:4])[0] / 10000000.0
longitude = struct.unpack(">i", data[4:8])[0] / 10000000.0
confidence = bytes_to_int(data[8:9])
status = bytes_to_int(data[9:10])
return {'lat': latitude, 'lon': longitude, 'conf': confidence, 'status':status}

if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-H', '--hours', help='only show reports not older than these hours', type=int, default=24)
parser.add_argument('-p', '--prefix', help='only use keyfiles starting with this prefix', default='')
args = parser.parse_args()

ids = {}
names = {}
for keyfile in glob.glob(args.prefix+'*.keys'):
# read key files generated with
with open(keyfile) as f:
hashed_adv = ''
priv = ''
name = keyfile[len(args.prefix):-5]
for line in f:
key = line.rstrip('\n').split(': ')
if key[0] == 'Private key':
priv = key[1]
elif key[0] == 'Hashed adv key':
hashed_adv = key[1]

if priv and hashed_adv:
ids[hashed_adv] = priv
names[hashed_adv] = name
print("Couldn't find key pair in", keyfile)

unixEpoch = int('%s'))
startdate = unixEpoch - 60 * 60 * args.hours
data = '{"search": [{"endDate": %d, "startDate": %d, "ids": %s}]}' % ((unixEpoch -978307200) *1000000, (startdate -978307200)*1000000, list(ids.keys()))

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect(('', 6176))
sock.sendall(bytes(data + '\n', encoding='ascii'))
response = b''
while True:
rdata = sock.recv(1024)
if not rdata: break
response += rdata
res = json.loads(response)['results']
print('%d reports received.' % len(res))

ordered = []
found = set()
for report in res:
priv = bytes_to_int(base64.b64decode(ids[report['id']]))
data = base64.b64decode(report['payload'])

# the following is all copied from, thanks @hatomist!
timestamp = bytes_to_int(data[0:4])
if timestamp + 978307200 >= startdate:
eph_key = ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey.from_encoded_point(ec.SECP224R1(), data[5:62])
shared_key = ec.derive_private_key(priv, ec.SECP224R1(), default_backend()).exchange(ec.ECDH(), eph_key)
symmetric_key = sha256(shared_key + b'\x00\x00\x00\x01' + data[5:62])
decryption_key = symmetric_key[:16]
iv = symmetric_key[16:]
enc_data = data[62:72]
tag = data[72:]

decrypted = decrypt(enc_data, algorithms.AES(decryption_key), modes.GCM(iv, tag))
res = decode_tag(decrypted)
res['timestamp'] = timestamp + 978307200
res['isodatetime'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(res['timestamp']).isoformat()
res['key'] = names[report['id']]
res['goog'] = '' + str(res['lat']) + ',' + str(res['lon'])
print('%d reports used.' % len(ordered))
ordered.sort(key=lambda item: item.get('timestamp'))
for rep in ordered: print(rep)
print('found: ', list(found))
print('missing: ', [key for key in names.values() if key not in found])
150 changes: 150 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import os,glob
import datetime, time
import getpass
import base64,json
import hashlib,hmac
import codecs
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.pbkdf2 import PBKDF2HMAC
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.padding import PKCS7
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
import objc; from Foundation import NSBundle, NSClassFromString, NSData, NSPropertyListSerialization
import socketserver,httplib,urllib

pwd = '' # Keychain password, can be hardcoded

def bytes_to_int(b):
return int(codecs.encode(b, 'hex'), 16)

def sha256(data):
digest ="sha256")
return digest.digest()

def decrypt(enc_data, algorithm_dkey, mode):
decryptor = Cipher(algorithm_dkey, mode, default_backend()).decryptor()
return decryptor.update(enc_data) + decryptor.finalize()

def unpad(paddedBinary, blocksize):
unpadder = PKCS7(blocksize).unpadder()
return unpadder.update(paddedBinary) + unpadder.finalize()

def readKeychain():
res = [None] *7
with open("%s/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db" % os.path.expanduser("~"),'rb') as db:
kc =
def get_table_offsets(tbl_array_offset):
ntables = bytes_to_int(kc[tbl_array_offset +4 : tbl_array_offset +8])
tbl_offsets_b = kc[tbl_array_offset +8 : tbl_array_offset +8 +(ntables *4)]
return [bytes_to_int(tbl_offsets_b[i:i+4]) +tbl_array_offset for i in xrange(0, len(tbl_offsets_b), 4)]

def get_record_offsets(tbl_start):
nrecords = bytes_to_int(kc[tbl_start +24 : tbl_start +28])
rec_offsets_b = kc[tbl_start +28 : tbl_start +28 +(nrecords *4)]
rec_offsets = [bytes_to_int(rec_offsets_b[i:i+4]) +tbl_start for i in xrange(0, len(rec_offsets_b), 4)]
return [ro for ro in rec_offsets if ro != tbl_start and bytes_to_int(kc[ro : ro +4])] # remove 0 offset records and empty records

def match_record_attribute(rec_start, rec_nattr, rec_attr, attr_match):
attr_offsets_b = kc[rec_start +24 : rec_start +24 +(rec_nattr *4)]
attr_offsets = [bytes_to_int(attr_offsets_b[i:i+4]) +rec_start -1 for i in xrange(0, len(attr_offsets_b), 4)]
if attr_offsets[0] and attr_offsets[0] < rec_start +bytes_to_int(kc[rec_start : rec_start +4]): # non-zero offset, and no weird big values
if kc[attr_offsets[rec_attr] +4 : attr_offsets[rec_attr] +4 +bytes_to_int(kc[attr_offsets[rec_attr] : attr_offsets[rec_attr] +4])] == attr_match:
return kc[rec_start +24 +(rec_nattr *4) : rec_start +24 +(rec_nattr *4) +bytes_to_int(kc[rec_start +16 : rec_start +20])] # return record blob data (NOTE not sure about BLOB size!!!)
return None

if kc[:4] == b'kych':
tbl_offsets = get_table_offsets(bytes_to_int(kc[12:16]))
symmetric_key_idx = None
for tbl_start in tbl_offsets[::-1]: # walk backwards so we get the generic password blob before the symmetric key, we need that to select which key to take
if kc[tbl_start +4 : tbl_start +8] == b'\x00\x00\x00\x11': # Symmetric key
rec_offsets = get_record_offsets(tbl_start)
for rec_start in rec_offsets:
symmetric_key_blob = match_record_attribute(rec_start, 27, 1, symmetric_key_idx) # might be wrong about amount of attributes
if symmetric_key_blob:
start_crypto_blob = bytes_to_int(symmetric_key_blob[8:12])
total_length = bytes_to_int(symmetric_key_blob[12:16])
res[2] = symmetric_key_blob[16:24]
res[3] = symmetric_key_blob[24 +(start_crypto_blob -0x18) : 24 +(total_length -0x18) ]
elif kc[tbl_start +4 : tbl_start +8] == b'\x80\x00\x00\x00': # Generic passwords
rec_offsets = get_record_offsets(tbl_start)
for rec_start in rec_offsets:
icloud_key_blob = match_record_attribute(rec_start, 16, 14, b'iCloud') # generic password record has 16 attributes
if icloud_key_blob:
symmetric_key_idx = icloud_key_blob[:20]
res[0] = icloud_key_blob[20:28]
res[1] = icloud_key_blob[28:]
elif kc[tbl_start +4 : tbl_start +8] == b'\x80\x00\x80\x00': # Metadata, containing master key and db key
rec_start = get_record_offsets(tbl_start)[0]
db_key_blob = kc[rec_start +24 : rec_start +24 +bytes_to_int(kc[rec_start +16 : rec_start +20])] # 2nd record is the one we want
res[4] = db_key_blob[44:64]
res[5] = db_key_blob[64:72]
res[6] = db_key_blob[120:168]
return res

def retrieveICloudKey():
icloud_key_IV, icloud_key_enc, symmetric_key_IV, symmetric_key_enc, db_key_salt, db_key_IV, db_key_enc = readKeychain()
master_key = PBKDF2HMAC(algorithm=hashes.SHA1(), length=24, salt=db_key_salt, iterations=1000, backend=default_backend()).derive(bytes(pwd))
db_key = unpad(decrypt(db_key_enc, algorithms.TripleDES(master_key), modes.CBC(db_key_IV)), algorithms.TripleDES.block_size)[:24]
p1 = unpad(decrypt(symmetric_key_enc, algorithms.TripleDES(db_key), modes.CBC(b'J\xdd\xa2,y\xe8!\x05')), algorithms.TripleDES.block_size)
symmetric_key = unpad(decrypt(p1[:32][::-1], algorithms.TripleDES(db_key), modes.CBC(symmetric_key_IV)), algorithms.TripleDES.block_size)[4:]
icloud_key = unpad(decrypt(icloud_key_enc, algorithms.TripleDES(symmetric_key), modes.CBC(icloud_key_IV)), algorithms.TripleDES.block_size)
return icloud_key

def getAppleDSIDandSearchPartyToken(iCloudKey):
# copied from
decryption_key ='t9s\"lx^awe.580Gj%\'ld+0LG<#9xa?>vb)-fkwb92[}', base64.b64decode(iCloudKey), digestmod=hashlib.md5).digest()
mmeTokenFile = glob.glob("%s/Library/Application Support/iCloud/Accounts/[0-9]*" % os.path.expanduser("~"))[0]
decryptedBinary = unpad(decrypt(open(mmeTokenFile, 'rb').read(), algorithms.AES(decryption_key), modes.CBC(b'\00' *16)), algorithms.AES.block_size);
binToPlist = NSData.dataWithBytes_length_(decryptedBinary, len(decryptedBinary))
tokenPlist = NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListWithData_options_format_error_(binToPlist, 0, None, None)[0]
return tokenPlist["appleAccountInfo"]["dsPrsID"], tokenPlist["tokens"]['searchPartyToken']

def getOTPHeaders():
AOSKitBundle = NSBundle.bundleWithPath_('/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AOSKit.framework')
objc.loadBundleFunctions(AOSKitBundle, globals(), [("retrieveOTPHeadersForDSID", b'')])
util = NSClassFromString('AOSUtilities')
anisette = str(util.retrieveOTPHeadersForDSID_("-2")).replace('"', ' ').replace(';', ' ').split()
return anisette[6], anisette[3]

def getCurrentTimes():
clientTime = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() + 'Z'
clientTimestamp = int('%s'))
return clientTime, time.tzname[1], clientTimestamp

class FindMy_proxy(socketserver.StreamRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
data = self.rfile.readline().strip()

iCloud_decryptionkey = retrieveICloudKey()
AppleDSID, searchPartyToken = getAppleDSIDandSearchPartyToken(iCloud_decryptionkey)
machineID, oneTimePassword = getOTPHeaders()
UTCTime, Timezone, unixEpoch = getCurrentTimes()

request_headers = {
'Authorization': "Basic %s" % (base64.b64encode((AppleDSID + ':' + searchPartyToken).encode('ascii')).decode('ascii')),
'X-Apple-I-MD': "%s" % (oneTimePassword),
'X-Apple-I-MD-RINFO': '17106176',
'X-Apple-I-MD-M': "%s" % (machineID) ,
'X-Apple-I-TimeZone': "%s" % (Timezone),
'X-Apple-I-Client-Time': "%s" % (UTCTime),
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept': 'application/json',
'X-BA-CLIENT-TIMESTAMP': "%s" % (unixEpoch)

conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection('')
conn.request("POST", "/acsnservice/fetch", data, request_headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
print UTCTime, self.client_address[0], res.status, data

if __name__ == "__main__":
if not pwd: pwd = getpass.getpass('Keychain password:')
socketserver.TCPServer(('localhost', 6176), FindMy_proxy).serve_forever()
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ To install just clone this repo, to run a Mac (real or virtual) and an Apple ID
1. (Optional, if you don't have a MAC and/or Apple ID): Generate an Apple ID, and install the Catalina Pre-installed docker image from, and login to iCloud using your AppleID.
2. Generate keys using ``.
3. Deploy your advertisement keys on devices supported by OpenHaystack. The ESP32 firmware is a mirror of the OpenHaystack binary, the Lenze 17H66 is found in most 1$ tags obtained from the east. An nRF51 firmware can be found here:
4. run `` in the same directory as your `.keys` files (should work out of the box, no dependencies). Your keychain password is by default your login password.
4a. run `` in the same directory as your `.keys` files (should work out of the box, no dependencies). Your keychain password is by default your login password.
4b. Alternatively, use the `FindMy_{proxy,client}.py` combination. Run the `` on a (virtual) Mac, and use the `` on any other device where you need the reports. Ideally use local port forwarding `ssh <your.mac> -L6176::6176` to login to the Mac, and start the proxy from that shell. Or ssh out of your mac with remote port forwarding `ssh <some.public.machine> -R6176::6176` while the proxy is running, so you can access it in your mobile app from anywhere in the world. Although then anyone can, so that might not be what you want.

This is using the ancient urllib on python 2.7 that comes with Catalina preinstalled. If you are on Monterey 12.3+ `python2` is removed and you should use `python3`, see the `monterey` branch in this repo for that.

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