The TimeLine which Style can be decided by yourslef.
TableView is powerful and flexible Table which bases on RecyclerView, can support :
- Irregular table
- Top and left Title Cell suspend
- Muti-Direction scroll
MultiSwitch can provide many items and support icon.
StatusView is the View which can express data View's status.
DoubleSideLayout is One of LayoutManager
in RecyclerView.
// see latestVersion on the top
implementation 'com.orient:Orient-Ui:latestVersion'
If you find some question,please submit Issue
,or contact me by:
- 【QQ】:200522649
- 【Email】:[email protected]
Qiujuer:StatusView is from qiujuer's course, but there is no open-source library to use, so i modify it and share.
AVLoadingIndicatorView:StatusView's LoadingView is from this library. In order to avoid nest, i copy AVLoadingIndicatorView source code directly, and use only one kind of animation.
阿里图标库-旅游:StatusView's status drawable is from this icon library, it looks great!