🔥🔥🔥AI-driven database tool and SQL client, The hottest GUI client, supporting MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, SQL Server, DB2, SQLite, H2, ClickHouse, and more.
【2025最新版】 大数据 数据分析 电商系统 实时数仓 离线数仓 数据湖 建设方案及实战代码,涉及组件 #flink #paimon #doris #seatunnel #dolphinscheduler #datart #dinky #hudi #iceberg。
Apache Linkis builds a computation middleware layer to facilitate connection, governance and orchestration between the upper applications and the underlying data engines.
🙏 Android Runtime Permissions made easy and compact, for Kotlin and AndroidX. With coroutines support!
🔥 ZXing的精简极速版,优化扫码和生成二维码/条形码,内置闪光灯等功能。扫描风格支持:微信的线条样式,支付宝的网格样式。几句代码轻松拥有扫码功能 ,ZXingLite让集成更简单。(扫码识别速度快如微信)
Generate 2FA tokens compatible with Google Authenticator
🌏 Android localization plugin. supports multiple languages and multiple translators.
android java and javascript bridge, inspired by wechat webview jsbridge
AgentWeb is a powerful library based on Android WebView.
A curated list of awesome Flutter packages.
🍒 Web server and web framework of Android platform.
Android library (AAR). Highly configurable, easily extendable deep zoom view for displaying huge images without loss of detail. Perfect for photo galleries, maps, building plans etc.
Simple and fantastic wheel view in realistic effect for android.
Android Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Fast Development Framework. It uses simple ways to filter, scan, connect, read ,write, notify, readRssi, setMTU, and multiConnection.
web API开放接口设计解决方案: 基础验签加密组件;AES + RSA;国密SM算法;API多版本管理等。
Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines pmd implements and IDE plugin
Android-BLE蓝牙框架,提供了扫描、连接、使能/除能通知、发送/读取数据、接收数据,读取rssi,设置mtu等蓝牙相关的所有操作接口,内部优化了连接队列,以及快速写入队列, 并支持多服务通讯,可扩展配置蓝牙相关操作。
🔥 A low-cost Android screen adaptation solution (今日头条屏幕适配方案终极版,一个极低成本的 Android 屏幕适配方案).
A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries
「Java学习+面试指南」一份涵盖大部分 Java 程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。准备 Java 面试,首选 JavaGuide!