Kha is yet another Home Automation solution which focuses on DIYers and gathering intelligence from data.
There are two main motives for Kha:
- Most commercial solutions are rather expensive regarding what they do: the price of the sensors are often 4 or 5 times more expensive than doing it yourself; moreover if you need a device not available commercially, good luck!!
- Most commercial and OSS solutions for Home Automation do gather data and report it most of the time as-is or with basic data computations.
Let's take a simple example to illustrate that. What matters is not really to see how the temperature in your room changed within the day, but to link that information to the power consumption of your heaters within the same room. But why not something even a bit more elaborated: this information should be used with the outside temperature, that way the heater could be started or stopped at appropriate times.
Kha aims to provide intelligence in Home Automation in order to adapt to changes, learn from real usage and anticipate needs.
Work In Progress...