Tags: liuyes/fullPage.js
Merge pull request alvarotrigo#2023 from alvarotrigo/dev Mergin Dev branch
Merge pull request alvarotrigo#1845 from alvarotrigo/dev - Merging dev branch (fullpage.js 2.7.8)
Merge pull request alvarotrigo#1794 from alvarotrigo/dev Mergin Dev branch
Merge pull request alvarotrigo#1663 from alvarotrigo/dev - Upgrading version
Merge pull request alvarotrigo#1663 from alvarotrigo/dev - Upgrading version
fullpage.js 2.7.4 - Fixed bug with responsiveHeight alvarotrigo#1567 - Fixed bug that prevented the fire of callbacks when using scrollBar:true alvarotrigo#1556 - Fixed bug that set fitToSection:true when using menu or bullet navigation alvarotrigo#1561 - Removed warning regarding requestAnimationFrame prefix alvarotrigo#1559
- Fixed critical bug with touch devices alvarotrigo#1553 - Fixed critical bug with touch devices alvarotrigo#1553