Match the difference between two strings
What functions does it apply to? such as: SMS template At present, SMS sending is regulated by law, and template SMS was born. Template SMS generally requires that only template variables and values are submitted to the SMS gateway without submitting the original text, which will have a greater impact on the original b usiness system.
Add liwenyu/php-helpers
to composer.json, you can assign version as *
$ composer install
//or run
$ composer update
also we can do like this:
$ composer require liwenyu/php-helpers
//Load Composer's autoloader
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$template = '我爱你{a},{b}';
$content = '我爱你中国,你最棒';
$result = \liwenyu\phpHelpers\StringDiff::getDiff($template, $content);
[{a}] => 中国
[{b}] => 你最棒