C++ code for transdimensional or reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (rj-McMC) 1D inversion of magnetotelluric geophysical data.
- Author: Ross C Brodie
- Language: C++
- rjmcmcmt - stochastic 1D inversion program for magnetotelluric (MT) data
- generate_synthetic_data - utility for generating synthetic MT data
- None to date
- cd makefiles
- edit the file run_make.sh to setup for your compiler
- set the C++ compiler (e.g., cxx=g++)
- set the MPI C++ compiler (e.g., mpicxx=mpiCC)
- set the C++ compiler flags (e.g. cxxflags='-std=c++11 -O3 -Wall')
- set the executable directory (e.g., exedir='../bin/raijin/gnu')
- execute run_make.sh
- Pre-built Windows 64-bit executables are located in bin/x64/Release
- You can build (compile) the programs with the free Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013.
- Visual Studio solution and project files are supplied.
- Open visualstudio\rjmcmcmt\rjmcmcmt.sln to compile the inversion program.
- Open visualstudio\generate_synthetic_data\generate_synthetic_data.sln to compile the synthetic data generation program.
- cpp-utils is a repository of C++ utility classes and functions that are used across this and several other other projects.
- cpp-utils is included as a git submodule of this repository (see submodules).
- only required if you are compiling the code.
- not required if you are just going to use the precompiled executables.
- this is a rj-McMC library written by Rhys Hawkins, Research School of Earth Science, Australian National University.
- download from http://www.iearth.org.au/codes/rj-MCMC/
Message Passing Interface (MPI)
- see https://www.mpi-forum.org
- Both Windows and Linux users will need to install a suitable MPI for your system.
- The pre-compiled Windows inversion programs require Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 because thats the flavour of MPI they have been compiled and linked with.
- They can be recompiled using MPICH or other flouvours of MPI if required.
This software is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 license. See the license deed for details.
Ross Brodie
Lead Developer
Geoscience Australia
[email protected]