thrreg estimates the threshold regression model by Hansen (2000). It provides three functions:
tests for a threshold in a linear regression under homoskedasticity.thr_test_het()
tests for a threshold in a linear regression under heteroskedasticity.thr_est()
estimates the threshold and the regression parameters of the threshold model.
Install release version from CRAN:
Install development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
This example performs the empirical work reported in Hansen (2000) and prints
the LaTeX output to output/output.tex
## Load data
data <- dur_john
## Define variable names for output (optional)
var_names <- c("GDP\\_Gwth", "Log\\_GDP\\_1960", "Log\\_Inv/GDP",
"Log\\_Pop\\_Gwth", "Log\\_School", "GDP\\_1960", "Literacy")
xi <- 2:5
h <- 1
## First Level
cat("\\section{First Sample Split}", "\n\n")
## Test for a Sample Split
test_1_gdp <- thr_test_het(data, "GDPGwth", xi, "GDP1960", var_names)
test_1_lit <- thr_test_het(data, "GDPGwth", xi, "Literacy", var_names)
## Estimate Sample Split
qhat_1 <- thr_est(data, "GDPGwth", xi, "GDP1960", h, test_1_gdp$p_value,
var_names, digits.thr = 0, header = var_names[1])
## Second Level
dat_2l <- subset(data, GDP1960 <= qhat_1)
dat_2u <- subset(data, GDP1960 > qhat_1)
sink("output/output.tex", append = T)
cat(paste0("\\section{Second Sample Split: Subsample, Incomes below ", qhat_1,
"}", "\n\n"))
## Test for a Sample Split
test_2l_gdp <- thr_test_het(dat_2l, "GDPGwth", xi, "GDP1960", var_names)
test_2l_lit <- thr_test_het(dat_2l, "GDPGwth", xi, "Literacy", var_names)
cat(paste0("\\section{Second Sample Split: Subsample, Incomes above ", qhat_1,
"}", "\n\n"))
## Test for a Sample Split
test_2u_gdp <- thr_test_het(dat_2u, "GDPGwth", xi, "GDP1960", var_names)
test_2u_lit <- thr_test_het(dat_2u, "GDPGwth", xi, "Literacy", var_names)
## Estimate Sample Split
qhat_2 <- thr_est(dat_2u, "GDPGwth", xi, "Literacy", h, test_2u_lit$p_value,
var_names, digits.thr = 0, header = var_names[1])
## Third Level
dat_3l <- subset(dat_2u, Literacy <= qhat_2)
dat_3u <- subset(dat_2u, Literacy > qhat_2)
sink("output/output.tex", append = T)
cat(paste0("\\section{Third Sample Split: Subsample, Incomes above ", qhat_1,
", Literacy below ", qhat_2, "}", "\n\n"))
## Test for a Sample Split
test_3l_gdp <- thr_test_het(dat_3l, "GDPGwth", xi, "GDP1960")
test_3l_lit <- thr_test_het(dat_3l, "GDPGwth", xi, "Literacy")
cat(paste0("\\section{Third Sample Split: Subsample, Incomes above ", qhat_1,
", Literacy above ", qhat_2, "}", "\n\n"))
## Test for a Sample Split
test_3u_gdp <- thr_test_het(dat_3u, "GDPGwth", xi, "GDP1960")
test_3u_lit <- thr_test_het(dat_3u, "GDPGwth", xi, "Literacy")
Compile LaTeX output in directory output/
\documentclass[a4paper]{scrartcl} %twocolumn %scrartcl, scrreprt, scrbook
thrreg is based on the source code provided by Bruce E. Hansen.
Hansen, B. E. (2000). Sample splitting and threshold estimation. Econometrica, 68(3):575--603. Open access: