brainmagick Public
Forked from facebookresearch/brainmagickTraining and evaluation pipeline for MEG and EEG brain signal encoding and decoding using deep learning. Code for our paper "Decoding speech perception from non-invasive brain recordings" published…
Python Other UpdatedMar 12, 2024 -
De-id_rPPG Public
Forked from CV-AC/De-id_rPPG[BMVC 2023] De-identification of facial videos while preserving remote physiological utility
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 5, 2024 -
UNetPlusPlus Public
Forked from MrGiovanni/UNetPlusPlus[IEEE TMI] Official Implementation for UNet++
Python Other UpdatedNov 15, 2023 -
multimodal-decoding Public
Forked from UCSF-Chang-Lab-BRAVO/multimodal-decodingCode associated with the paper titled "A high-performance neuroprosthesis for speech decoding and avatar control" , published in Nature in 2023.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 23, 2023 -
Supervoxel-for-3D-point-clouds Public
Forked from yblin/Supervoxel-for-3D-point-cloudsA no dependency, header-only, license free, fast supervoxel segmentation library for 3D point clouds
C++ UpdatedApr 26, 2023 -
Deep-Learning-for-BCI Public
Forked from xiangzhang1015/Deep-Learning-for-BCIResources for Book: Deep Learning for EEG-based Brain-Computer Interface: Representations, Algorithms and Applications
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJan 31, 2023 -
EEG-Transformer Public
Forked from zwcolin/EEG-TransformerA ViT based transformer applied on multi-channel time-series EEG data for motor imagery classification
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 10, 2022 -
MHF-net Public
Forked from XieQi2015/MHF-netCode of Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Fusion by MS/HS Fusion Net
Python UpdatedOct 10, 2022 -
Multispectral-Pedestrian-Detection-Resource Public
Forked from CalayZhou/Multispectral-Pedestrian-Detection-ResourceA list of resouces for multispectral pedestrian detection,including the datasets, methods, annotations and tools.
UpdatedMay 13, 2022 -
stereoEEG2speech Public
Forked from jonaskohler/stereoEEG2speechCode for a seq2seq architecture with Bahdanau attention designed to map stereotactic EEG data from human brains to spectrograms, using the PyTorch Lightning.
Python UpdatedJul 29, 2021 -
sound-source-localization-algorithm_DOA_estimation Public
Forked from WenzheLiu-Speech/sound-source-localization-algorithm_DOA_estimation关于语音信号声源定位DOA估计所用的一些传统算法
MATLAB Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 30, 2021 -
pyVHR Public
Forked from phuselab/pyVHRPython framework for Virtual Heart Rate
Jupyter Notebook GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 27, 2020 -
stock_predict_with_LSTM Public
Forked from hichenway/stock_predict_with_LSTMPredict stock with LSTM supporting pytorch, keras and tensorflow
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 13, 2020 -
DAGAN Public
Forked from AntreasAntoniou/DAGANDAGAN: Data Augmentation Generative Adversarial Networks
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 13, 2020 -
Blood-pressure-regression Public
Forked from EdouardDuquesne/Blood-pressure-regressionThis project uses PPG measurements to estimate blood pressure.
Python UpdatedOct 23, 2020 -
ppg2ecg-pytorch Public
Forked from james77777778/ppg2ecg-pytorchThe official implementation of the paper "Reconstructing QRS Complex from PPG by Transformed Attentional Neural Networks"
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 20, 2020 -
graph_nets Public
Forked from dsgiitr/graph_netsPyTorch Implementation and Explanation of Graph Representation Learning papers involving DeepWalk, GCN, GraphSAGE, ChebNet & GAT.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedSep 17, 2020 -
Stress-Detection-using-Photoplethysmogram Public
Forked from mannika16161/Stress-Detection-using-PhotoplethysmogramJupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 25, 2020 -
CVD-Physiological-Measurement Public
Forked from nxsEdson/CVD-Physiological-MeasurementUpdatedJul 19, 2020 -
Heartbeat-Classification Public
Forked from atabas/Heartbeat-ClassificationClassify ECG signals into predefined categories based on heartbeat abnormality by transforming time series to images
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 4, 2020 -
rPPG-1 Public
Forked from marnixnaber/rPPGremote heart rate detection / photoplethysmography software
MATLAB GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 19, 2020 -
Fatigue-Driven-Detection-Based-on-CNN Public
Forked from PengfeiM/Fatigue-Driven-Detection-Based-on-CNN本科毕设内容:基于卷积神经网络的疲劳驾驶检测。
Python UpdatedApr 30, 2020 -
Deep-rPPG Public
Forked from terbed/Deep-rPPGDeep learning (neural network) based remote photoplethysmography: how to extract pulse signal from video using deep learning tools
Python UpdatedApr 22, 2020 -
Blood_Pressure-Prediction-by-Pulse_Wave_transit_time Public
Forked from BixiongXiang/Blood_Pressure-Prediction-by-Pulse_Wave_transit_timeBlood Pressure prediction based on Heart Rate & Pulse Wave Transit Time (GraduationProject)
MATLAB UpdatedApr 20, 2020 -
BloodPressure_PPG_ML Public
Forked from dedeus10/BloodPressure_PPG_MLRepository from final conclusion work of Computer Engineering. Estimation of Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure Using PPG and ECG Signals and Machine Learning Algorithms
Python UpdatedApr 17, 2020 -
Heart-rate-measurement-using-camera Public
Forked from habom2310/Heart-rate-measurement-using-camerareal time application to measure heart rate
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 4, 2020 -
estimateBP Public
Forked from thamolwanpo/estimateBPAn implementation of 'Continuous Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure Estimation Utilizing Long Short-term Memory Network' (Frank P.-W. et al.) paper
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJan 3, 2020 -