The Marktstammdatenregister (MaStR) is a German register provided by the BNetzA keeping track of all power and gas units.
The MaStR data can be browsed online, taken from irregularly provided dumps or be access via the web service. This package focuses on the latter. It provides a python interface for accessing the web service API, methods to clean and enrich data and functions to analyze it.
Find the documentation hosted of ReadTheDocs.
It it recommended to use a virtual python environment, for example conda or virtualenv. The package is intended to be used with Python >=3.6
Clone latest code from GitHub and change the CWD to the download folder open-MaStR/
git clone [email protected]:OpenEnergyPlatform/open-MaStR.git
cd open-MaStR
Optionally, a pre-defined conda environment can be used with
conda env create -f environment.yml
Install the package with
python install
This repository is licensed under GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (AGPL-3.0) © Reiner Lemoine Institut. See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations.