Browse and test your Sira app's APIs.
Below is a simple Sira application. The explorer is mounted at /explorer
var sira = require('sira');
var express = require('express');
var rest = require('sira-express-rest');
var explorer = require('../');
var port = 3000;
// create express application
var app = express();
// create sira application
var sapp = sira();
sapp.registry.define('Product', {crud: true});
sapp.boot(function (err) { if (err) throw err; });
// setup middlewares
var apiPath = '/api';
app.use('/explorer', explorer(sapp, { basePath: apiPath }));
app.use(apiPath, rest(sapp));
console.log("Explorer mounted at localhost:" + port + "/explorer");
// start server
Many aspects of the explorer are configurable.
See options for a description of these options:
// Mount middleware before calling `explorer()` to add custom headers, auth, etc.
app.use('/explorer', basicAuth('user', 'password'));
app.use('/explorer', explorer(sapp, {
basePath: '/custom-api-root',
swaggerDistRoot: '/swagger',
apiInfo: {
'title': 'My API',
'description': 'Explorer example app.'
resourcePath: 'swaggerResources',
version: '0.1-unreleasable'
app.use('/custom-api-root', rest(sapp));
Options are passed to explorer(sapp, options)
: String
Sets the API's base path. This must be set if you are mounting your api to a path different than '/api', e.g. with `app.use('/custom-api-root', rest(sapp));
: String
Sets a path within your application for overriding Swagger UI files.
If present, will search
first when attempting to load Swagger UI, allowing you to pick and choose overrides to the interface. Use this to style your explorer or add additional functionality.
See index.html, where you may want to begin your overrides. The rest of the UI is provided by Swagger UI.
: Object
Additional information about your API. See the spec.
Field Name | Type | Description |
title | string |
Required. The title of the application. |
description | string |
Required. A short description of the application. |
termsOfServiceUrl | string |
A URL to the Terms of Service of the API. |
contact | string |
An email to be used for API-related correspondence. |
license | string |
The license name used for the API. |
licenseUrl | string |
A URL to the license used for the API. |
: String
Sets a different path for the resource listing. You generally shouldn't have to change this.
: String
Default: Read from package.json
Sets your API version. If not present, will read from your app's package.json.