Aliyun oss for Laravel5, also support flysystem adapter.
This package can be installed through Composer.
composer require orzcc/aliyun-oss
This service provider must be registered.
// config/app.php
'providers' => [
At last, you can edit the config file: config/filesystem.php.
add a disk config to the config
'oss' => [
'driver' => 'oss',
'access_id' => 'Your oss access id',
'access_key' => 'Your oss access key',
'bucket' => 'Your project bucket on oss',
'endpoint' => '', // 青岛节点需要指定,杭州节点不需要
'prefix' => '' // Path prefix, default can keep empty
change default to oss
'default' => 'oss';
You can now use Laravel5's flysystem to upload or get file/directory from oss, follow the document,