Tags: lizongshen/mkcert
Make explicit "mkcert -help" print to stdout (FiloSottile#265) Currently "mkcert -help" prints to stderr, which is rather annoying as: $ mkcert -help | less Gives us a blank page, as it pipes only stdout. To get any results in less I need to use: $ mkcert 2>&1 | less $ mkcert |& less # Non-standard bash/ zsh Since the user explicitly asked for help with -help, it doesn't make much sense to output it to stderr IMHO.
Add support for certificate signing requests with -csr Closes FiloSottile#55
nss: use certutil from $PATH if found on macOS (FiloSottile#71) Fixes FiloSottile#70 Thanks to @hostep for testing and fixing the patch.
linux: use unique per-CA names when installing certificates Fixes FiloSottile#52 Closes FiloSottile#59