A framework for running functions on Tree-sitter nodes, and updating the buffer with the result.
dependencies = { 'nvim-treesitter' },
config = function() -- Optional
requires = { 'nvim-treesitter' },
config = function() -- Optional
Note: It's not required to call require("ts-node-action").setup()
to initialize the plugin, but a table can be
passed into the setup function to specify new actions for nodes or additional filetypes.
Bind require("ts-node-action").node_action
to something. This is left up to the user.
For example, this would bind the function to K
vim.keymap.set({ "n" }, "K", require("ts-node-action").node_action, { desc = "Trigger Node Action" })
The setup()
function accepts a table that conforms to the following schema:
['*'] = { -- Global table is checked for all filetypes
["node_type"] = fn,
filetype = {
["node_type"] = fn,
should be the value ofvim.o.filetype
, or'*'
for the global tablenode_type
should be the value ofvim.treesitter.get_node_at_cursor()
A definition on the filetype
table will take precedence over the *
(global) table.
To define multiple actions for a node type, structure your node_type
value as a table of tables, like so:
["node_type"] = {
{ function_one, name = "Action One" },
{ function_two, name = "Action Two" },
will use the value of name
to when prompting you on which action to perform.
All node actions should be a function that takes one argument: the tree-sitter node under the cursor.
You can read more about their API via :help tsnode
This function can return one or two values:
The first being the text to replace the node with. The replacement text can be either a
or{ "table", "of", "strings" }
. With a table of strings, each string will be on it's own line. -
The second (optional) returned value is a table of options with a
key. Both are optional. Here's how that can look.
{ cursor = { row = 0, col = 0 }, callback = function() }
or (equivalent to above)
{ cursor = {}, callback = function() }
If the cursor
key is present with an empty table value, the cursor will be moved to the start of the line where the
current node is (row = 0
col = 0
relative to node start_row
and start_col
If callback
is present, it will simply get called without arguments after the buffer has been updated, and after the
cursor has been positioned.
Here's a simplified example of how a node-action function gets called:
local action = node_actions[vim.o.filetype][node:type()]
local replacement, opts = action(node)
replace_node(node, replacement, opts or {})
Main function for plugin. Should be assigned by user, and when called will attempt to run the assigned function for the node your cursor is currently on.
Prints some helpful information about the current node, as well as the loaded node actions for all filetypes
@node: tsnode
@return: string
Returns the text of the specified node.
@node: tsnode
@return: boolean
Returns true if node spans multiple lines, and false if it's a single line.
require("ts-node-action.helpers").indent_text(text, indent, offset)
@text: string
@indent: number|tsnode
@offset: number|nil
@return: string
Returns the text (string) left padded by the indent
amount. If indent
is a tsnode, use it's starting column value.
can be used to increase/decrease indentation, but is optional.
require("ts-node-action.helpers").indent_node_text(node, offset)
@node: tsnode
@offset: number|nil
@return: string
Returns the node text left padded by whitespace to match it's start_column position in the buffer.
can be used to increase/decrease indentation, but is optional.
require("ts-node-action.helpers").padded_node_text(node, padding)
@node: tsnode
@padding: table
@return: string
For formatting unnamed tsnodes. For example, if you pass in an unnamed node representing the text ,
, you could pass in
a padding
table (below) to add a trailing whitespace to ,
{ [","] = "%s " }
Nodes not specified in table are returned unchanged.
Global (Applies to all filetypes)
["true"] = toggle_boolean,
["false"] = toggle_boolean,
["identifier"] = cycle_case,
["true"] = toggle_boolean,
["false"] = toggle_boolean,
["array"] = toggle_multiline,
["hash"] = toggle_multiline,
["argument_list"] = toggle_multiline,
["method_parameters"] = toggle_multiline,
["identifier"] = cycle_case,
["constant"] = cycle_case,
["block"] = toggle_block,
["do_block"] = toggle_block,
["binary"] = toggle_operator,
["if"] = handle_conditional,
["unless"] = handle_conditional,
["if_modifier"] = multiline_conditional,
["unless_modifier"] = multiline_conditional,
["conditional"] = expand_ternary,
["pair"] = toggle_hash_style,
["object"] = toggle_multiline,
["array"] = toggle_multiline,
["table_constructor"] = toggle_multiline,
["arguments"] = toggle_multiline,
["true"] = toggle_boolean,
["false"] = toggle_boolean,
["identifier"] = cycle_case,
["object"] = toggle_multiline,
["array"] = toggle_multiline,
["statement_block"] = toggle_multiline,
["identifier"] = cycle_case,
["property_identifier"] = cycle_case,
["true"] = toggle_boolean,
["false"] = toggle_boolean,
["dictionary"] = toggle_multiline,
["list"] = toggle_multiline,
["true"] = toggle_boolean,
["false"] = toggle_boolean,
["identifier"] = cycle_case,
If you come up with something that would be a good fit, pull requests for node actions are welcome!