为考-前端-毕业设计:在线考试系统,采用SpringCloud+Vue3,完成遗传算法自动组卷、文本批量导入题目、班级码。完成课程、考试、题库、试卷、考试、班级相关功能, 前端:Vue 3、Vite、Pinia、Arco UI,Echarts 后端:SpringBoot、SpringCloud、Mybatis Plus、WebSocket
为考-后端-毕业设计:在线考试系统,采用SpringCloud+Vue3,完成遗传算法自动组卷、文本批量导入题目、班级码。完成课程、考试、题库、试卷、考试、班级相关功能, 前端:Vue 3、Vite、Pinia、Arco UI,Echarts 后端:SpringBoot、SpringCloud、Mybatis Plus、WebSocket
基于Qt实现的组态软件运行时系统原型:1. 具有模块化的图元代码设计,及基于该设计实现的组态编辑器动态生成Qt组态画面代码功能;2. 使用主从同步模式,设计及实现j集散控制系统数据区同步协议;3. 接入时序数据库完成对工业数据采集及运行时系统仿真功能。
Langchain-Chatchat(原Langchain-ChatGLM)基于 Langchain 与 ChatGLM, Qwen 与 Llama 等语言模型的 RAG 与 Agent 应用 | Langchain-Chatchat (formerly langchain-ChatGLM), local knowledge based LLM (like ChatGLM, Qwen and…
vue+springboot图书馆借阅管理系统; 图书管理系统: 图书借阅管理,图书管理员权限等 ;主要技术 SpringBoot、Redis、Mybatis-Plus、MySQL、Vue3、ElementPlus、阿里云短信验证服务
微博爬虫及配套工具箱,微博用户、话题、评论采集一网打尽。图片下载、情感分析,地理位置、关系网络、spammer 机器人识别等功能应有尽有。Docs: 配套可视化网站:…
Official Pytorch implementation of "LANA: Towards Personalized Deep Knowledge Tracing Through Distinguishable Interactive Sequences"
Some papers and datasets about Data-To-Text Generation
Embedding, NMT, Text_Classification, Text_Generation, NER etc.
This repo is for our paper "ControlVAE: Controllable Variational Autoencoder" published at ICML 2020. It can be used for text generation, image generation
Business setting up their recommendation system for first time without any product rating history, & Amazon/Netflix type of recommendation system after the website has collected significant product…
Analyzing the Drugs Descriptions, conditions, reviews and then recommending it using Deep Learning Models, for each Health Condition of a Patient.
Content Based Recommender System recommends movies similar to the movie user likes and analyses the sentiments on the reviews given by the user for that movie.
(PyTorch re-implementation) Neural Rating Regression with Abstractive Tips Generation for Recommendation, SIGIR'17
This is the official code for the WSDM 2021 paper: 'Local Collaborative Autoencoders.'
Official code for "DaisyRec 2.0: Benchmarking Recommendation for Rigorous Evaluation" (TPAMI2022) and "Are We Evaluating Rigorously? Benchmarking Recommendation for Reproducible Evaluation and Fair…
商品大数据实时推荐系统。前端:Vue + TypeScript + ElementUI,后端 Spring + Spark