You can try the demo HERE based on following data:
+ login: [email protected]
+ password: 123123
Personal project of meeting room reservation system for companies.
📌 Features
- User uses this app when he needs to book a meeting room for upcoming meeting or see/edit meeting details (time, meeting type, guests, meeting creators)
- User is able to pick a day, see all company meeting rooms together (divided into 30 minutes time blocks from 7AM to 7PM).
- One room is then picked for detailed view. In this view user is able to
- Book a meeting (by clicking on time blocks, which he would like to reserve and filling meeting form)
- View reserved meetings
- Edit reserved meetings in case, that the User is also Creator of that meeting
- Delete meeting in case, that the User is also Creator of that meeting
- If the user has also Admin rights, he is able to manage (add and delete) meeting rooms and users for his company
📌 Steps
- The company and one Admin user is created and assigned externally (…after contacting the app provider through the contact form and agreeing on terms)
- That Admin user is then able to:
- Manage his company's meeting rooms (adding, deleting)
- Manage users (adding, deleting) and assigning the roles (Admin or User)
In order to run this project locally, simply fork and clone the repository or download as zip and unzip on your machine.
- Open the project in your prefered code editor.
Create .env file in the root of your directory and add following variables, based on your Firebase project setup:
$ npm install (to install dependencies)
& npm start (to start the client)
- Frontend: React, Typescript, Chakra UI, Tailwind CSS
- Backend: Firebase
- Hosting: GH pages
- Firebase backend security rules optimalization - work in progress
- User is not able to create meeting in the past dates