Reconhecimento Facial com visão Estéreo
ReFaCe is framework for Facial Recognition with Stereo Vision.
The project is hosted on github:
The online version built in Doxygen is comming soon.
In a nutshell ReFacE is a framework that was proposed be used to create a modular face recognition system using Stereo Vision.
But it's framework can be used for anything, you just need to folow the framework!
The framework consist in modules that inherite from a common root class called "Module". It forces all the modules implement two basic functions: setup() and run();
Besides this every module requires a Setting file that dictates how the modules will run and with witch configuration files.
To retrieve the code:
git clone cd ReFacE
ReFacE has the following dependencies:
- OpenCV in version 3.4.1
- Qt in version 5.10.1
- TinnyXml2
- OpenFaceCpp