YellowGearMotor Public
An adjustable OpenSCAD model of a common toy gear motor.
OpenSCAD MIT License UpdatedFeb 8, 2025 -
ebmlite Public
Forked from MideTechnology/ebmliteA lightweight, "pure Python" library for handing Extensible Binary Markup Language (EBML) data
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 13, 2024 -
endaq-device Public
Forked from MideTechnology/endaq-devicePython library for representing, configuring, and controlling enDAQ data recorders
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 24, 2023 -
gplab Public
A Python-based environment and stack-based language for genetic programming
musicmover Public
A tool for copying iTunes tracks to a non-Apple device (e.g. an Android phone)
PyBrain Public
A simple library for reading data from a NeuroSky-based EEG headset
EPD Public
Forked from wyolum/EPDElectronic Paper Display libraries and examples
Python UpdatedSep 3, 2013 -
gamby.tools Public
Utilities for creating GAMBY content: fonts, sprites, etc.
gamby.hardware Public
Schematic and board layout for the Gamby Arduino LCD/game shield