This is a prototype of a RethinkDB client driver written in C# for the .NET platform. This driver utilizes .NET 4.5 and C# 5.0.
Currently this driver is capable of the following things:
Connecting to a RethinkDB database. For example:
IConnection connection; connection = ConfigConnectionFactory.Instance.Get("testCluster"); connection.Logger = new DefaultLogger(LoggingCategory.Debug, Console.Out); await connection.ConnectAsync();
All of the RethinkDB queries, joins, transformations, aggregations, and reductions:
- DbList
- DbCreate
- DbDrop
- TableList
- TableCreate
- TableDrop
- Table
- Get
- Between
- Filter
- Update
- Delete
- Replace
- Count
- OrderBy
- Skip
- Limit
- Slice
- Nth
- InnerJoin
- OuterJoin
- EqJoin
- Zip
- Distinct
- Union
- Map
- ConcatMap
- Reduce
- GroupBy
- GroupedMapReduce
Filter, Update, Inner/Outer/EqJoin, Map, Reduce, etc. can be built using C# expressions (with limitations) that are compile-time safe, and are automatically translated into RethinkDB's query language. For example,
Query.Db("db").Table<ObjectDefinition>("objects").Update(o => new ObjectDefinition { Name = o.Name + " (new name!)" })
. -
Converting data into objects and objects into data; non-primitive objects are marked up using [DataContract] and [DataMember] attributes similar to WCF data contracts.
References to object attributes are compile-time verified by using C# expression trees. For example,
Query.Db("db").Table<ObjectDefinition>("objects").OrderBy(o => o.Name)
. Applies to OrderBy, EqJoin, and GroupBy. -
Anonymous types can be used in functions like Map and Reduce. For example:
Query .Db("db") .Table<ObjectDefinition>("objects") .Map(od => new { Sum = od.Value, Count = 1.0 }) .Reduce((left, right) => new { Sum = left.Sum + right.Sum, Count = left.Count + right.Count })
Strong compile-time safety using generics. Every query operation knows what type it returns, and whether it returns an object or an enumerable.
Performing absolutely everything asynchronously, with a synchronous API too if desired.
Reading streaming / chunked datasets using an async iterator.
Being 100% compatible with Mono (3.0+).
Support for serialized object types with the provided DataContract-based datum converter classes (all .NET primitives supported)
Currently this driver is lacking in the following areas:
Does not support schema-free / free-format objects. Although the object conversion routines are interfaced out so that they can be replaced with something different as required, the first goal is to provide a client that works well in a native C# environment, and that implies type safety and structure.
Supporting free-format objects will require alternative interfaces to OrderBy, EqJoin, and GroupBy, all of which use expression trees for attribute references.
RethinkDB manipulations (pluck / merge / without / append / contains) and control structures (branch / forEach / error / coerceTo / typeOf) are not currently supported. Some manipulations (pluck / merge / without / append) are maybe not really compatible with the strong typing approach this library currently supports.
Documentation. You're reaching the end of it, and it probably hasn't helped you at all.
I welcome pull requests. This is just the start of a RethinkDB client for .NET. It's nowhere near the end.