Copyright © 2015-2016 Open Baton. Licensed under Apache v2 License.
Zabbix plugin is an open source project providing a reference implementation of two interfaces of the VIM, based on the ETSI NFV MANO specification.
The two interfaces are:
- VirtualisedResourceFaultManagement
- VirtualisedResourcePerformanceManagement
A detailed description of the interfaces is in the last ETSI Draft IFA005_Or-Vi_ref_point_Spec.
In particular with the Zabbix plugin you can create/delete items, trigger and action on-demand.
Some of the benefits introduced by the usage of such plugin:
- Make the consumers (NFVO, VNFM) indipendent to the monitoring system.
- The communication between the consumers and zabbix-plugin is JSON based, so the consumers can be written in any languages.
- The values of the items are cached and updated periodically in order to avoid to contact the zabbix server each time a specific metric is required.
- If your consumer is written in java, we provide a simple class MonitoringPluginCaller which handle the communication via RabbitMQ.
The prerequisites are:
- Zabbix server installed and running. See how to configure Zabbix server.
- RabbitMQ server installed and running
- Git installed
- Gradle installed
How does zabbix-plugin receive notifications from the Zabbix Server?
When using the method createThreshold provided by the plugin, it automatically creates an action executed when the specific condition is met. If the threshold is crossed (the status of the trigger goes from OK to PROBLEM or viceversa) the action is performed. The action gets the informations of the threshold and sends them to a custom alertScript. The custom alertscripts is executed on the Zabbix Server and its task is to send the information received from the action to the zabbix-plugin.
The zabbix-pluging waits for notifications at the url: http://zabbix-plugin-ip:defaultPort/defaultContext.
Defatult context and ports are specified in the configuration file as:
- notification-receiver-server-context.
- notification-receiver-server-port.
The custom alert script we use is the following:
curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$body" http://$to
Copy this script in the directory defined in the Zabbix server configuration file as AlertScriptsPath variable. The variable 'to' is the endpoint where zabbix-plugin receives the notification (specified in notification-receiver-server-context property). After you copied the script in the right directoy, the Zabbix server needs to be configured correctly in order to use custom alertscripts. This configuration will be automatized in later releases.
Once the prerequisites are met, you can clone the following project from git, compile it using gradle and launch it:
git clone
cd zabbix-plugin
./gradlew build
java -jar build/lib/zabbix-agent-<version>.jar
Create the path /etc/openbaton/plugins/monitoring with the command:
mkdir -p /etc/openbaton/plugins/monitoring
Then copy the configuration file in src/main/resources/ to the path /etc/openbaton/plugins/monitoring/ with the name zabbix-plugin.conf. Once you are inside the zabbix-plugin directory type this command:
cp src/main/resources/ /etc/openbaton/plugins/monitoring/zabbix-plugin.conf
The configuration parameters are explained in the following table.
Parameter | Description | Default |
zabbix-host | IP of the Zabbix Server | not null |
zabbix-port | Port of the Zabbix Server | can be empty |
type | The type of the plugin | zabbix-plugin |
user-zbx | User of the Zabbix Server | |
password-zbx | Password of Zabbix Server | |
client-request-frequency | Update cache period (Basically each time t, the zabbix plugin ask to every items value for all hosts and fill the local cache). Set 0 to disable it | 15 (seconds) |
history-length | How long is the history. If the client-request-frequency is 10 seconds and history-length 100, we have available the value of the items of the previous 1000 seconds. | 250 |
notification-receiver-server-context | Context where the zabbix-plugin receive the notifications by the zabbix server. (see the section 'How to configure Zabbix to get notifications') | /zabbixplugin/notifications |
notification-receiver-server-port | Port where the zabbix-plugin receive the notifications by the zabbix server. | 8010 |
external-properties-file | Full path of the configuration file. | /etc/openbaton/plugins/zabbix-plugin.conf |
The configuration file should look like the one below:
user-zbx=<zabbix server user>
password-zbx=<zabbix server password>
# Set client-request-frequency to 0 to disable the caching
In order to use the MonitorPluginCaller you need to import the relative plugin-sdk, coming from Openbaton project. To import the plugin-sdk, please add in your gradle file the following dependencies:
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
compile 'org.openbaton:plugin-sdk:2.1.0'
Then in your main, obtain the MonitoringPluginCaller as follow:
MonitoringPluginCaller monitoringPluginCaller=null;
try {
monitoringPluginCaller = new MonitoringPluginCaller("zabbix","zabbix-plugin");
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
} catch (NotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
Methods | Description |
CREATE PM JOB | Create one or more items to be monitored in one or more hosts. |
DELETE PM JOB | Delete a PM job. |
QUERY PM JOB | Get item values from one or more host. Fast method since the item values are cached. |
SUBSCRIBE | Subscribe to a pm job or a threshold in order to be notified. |
NOTIFY | Notification method invoked by zabbix plugin, the customer must not invoke directly this method. |
CREATE THRESHOLD | Create trigger on a specific item for one or more hosts |
DELETE THRESHOLD | Delete a threshold. |
QUERY THRESHOLD | Get information about the status of the thresholds |
Methods | Description |
SUBSCRIBE | Subscribe for alarm coming from an host |
NOTIFY | Notification method invoked by zabbix plugin, the customer must not invoke directly this method. |
GET ALARM LIST | Get alarms and relative status |
String createPMJob(ObjectSelection selector, List<String> performanceMetrics, List<String> performanceMetricGroup, Integer collectionPeriod,Integer reportingPeriod) throws MonitoringException;
This method create one or more items to be monitored in one or more hosts.
selector: object to select the hosts in which we want to add the items.
performanceMetrics: List of items. We can create items which are available in the Zabbix documentation 2.2.
performanceMetricGroup: pre-defined list of metrics. (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED, please pass an empty list of string).
collectionPeriod: Update interval of the item/s in seconds.
reportingPeriod: Specifies the periodicity at which the VIM will report to the customers about performance information. (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED, please pass an integer >= 0 ).
In the following example we create two items ('net.tcp.listen[8080]' and '') for two hosts ('host-1' and 'host-2'). As a return value we get the ID of the PMJob.
ObjectSelection objectSelection = getObjectSelector("host-1","host-2");
List<String> performanceMetrics = getPerformanceMetrics("net.tcp.listen[8080]","");
String pmJobId = monitoringPluginCaller.createPMJob(objectSelection, performanceMetrics, new ArrayList<String>(),60, 0);
System.out.println("PmJobId is: "+pmJobId);
Here the methods getObjectSelector and getPerformanceMetrics:
private List<String> getPerformanceMetrics(String ... performanceMetrics) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
for(String performanceMetric : performanceMetrics){
return result;
private ObjectSelection getObjectSelector(String ... hosts) {
ObjectSelection objectSelection = new ObjectSelection();
for(String host : hosts){
return objectSelection;
List<String> deletePMJob(List<String> pmJobIdsToDelete) throws MonitoringException;
This method delete an existing PmJob. We can get the id of the PmJob after the creation with createPMJob. As a return value we get the ID of the PMJobs effectively deleted.
List<Item> queryPMJob(List<String> hostnames, List<String> performanceMetrics, String period) throws MonitoringException;
This method get item values from one or more host. As a return value we get the list of items.
hostnames: list of hostnames which we want to know items values.
performanceMetrics: List of items. We can get items which are available in: the Zabbix documentation 2.2 and in the hostnames.
period: period in seconds. If period is 0 than you get the last available value of the item. If > 0 you get the average of the values inside that period. Remember than the zabbix-plugin read all value of the all hosts every client-request-frequency (see the configuration section) and keep them in the history. So if client-request-frequency is 15 seconds and the period 30 seconds you get the average of the previous 2 values of the item.
In the following example we ask for the last value of two items ('net.tcp.listen[8080]' and '') for the hosts 'host-1'.
ArrayList<String> hostnames = getHostnames("host-1");
ArrayList<String> performanceMetrics = getPerformanceMetrics("net.tcp.listen[8080]","");
List<Item> items = monitoringPluginCaller.queryPMJob(hostnames,performanceMetrics,"0");
items: list of items. An item is a simple object of openbaton-libs which contains properties like: metric, hostname, lastValue, value.
String createThreshold(ObjectSelection selector, String performanceMetric, ThresholdType thresholdType, ThresholdDetails thresholdDetails) throws MonitoringException;
This method create a trigger on a specific item for one or more hosts. As a return value we get the id of the threshold.
selector: object to select the hosts which will be part of the trigger.
performanceMetric: item to include in the trigger. The item need to be already present in the hosts specified in the selector.
thresholdType: defines the type of threshold. (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED, please pass ThresholdType.SINGLE for the moment).
thresholdDetails: details of the threshold. It contains:
- function: refer to Zabbix trigger function 2.2
- triggerOperator: operator
- perceiverSeverity: severity of the trigger.
- value: threshold value to compare with the actual value of the performanceMetric.
- hostOperator: can be "|" or "&", meaning that the threshold will trigger when at least one host or all the hosts cross the threshold value.
In the following example we create a treshold for two hosts ('host-1' and 'host-2').
ObjectSelection objectSelector = getObjectSelector("host-1","host-2");
ThresholdDetails thresholdDetails= new ThresholdDetails("last(0)","=",PerceivedSeverity.CRITICAL,"0","|");
String thresholdId = zabbixMonitoringAgent.createThreshold(objectSelector,"net.tcp.listen[5001]",ThresholdType.SINGLE_VALUE,thresholdDetails);
The trigger that will be created has this expression: {host-1:net.tcp.listen[5001].last(0)}=0|{host-2:net.tcp.listen[5001].last(0)}=0. It means that if host-1 OR host-2 have no more process listening on the port 5001 then create an alarm with severity critical. Refer to Zabbix expression 2.2 to understand better the expression.
List<String> deleteThreshold(List<String> thresholdIds) throws MonitoringException;
This method delete an existing threshold/s. We can get the id of the threshold after the creation with createThreshold. As a return value we get the list of the ID of the threshold effectively deleted.
String subscribeForFault(AlarmEndpoint filter) throws MonitoringException;
Subscribe for alarm generated by thresholds. As a return value we get the id of the subscription. filter: AlarmEndpoint object which contains:
- name: name of the alarmEndpoint.
- resourceId: hostname which we want to subscribe.
- type: REST or JMS.
- endpoint: endpoint where we want to be notified. It is and url for REST or a queue name for JMS. (actually only rest is supported).
- perceivedSeverity: define the severity of the alarm we want to get. If we specify PerceivedSeverity.WARNING we will able to get notification from alarm with severity equals or higher than WARNING.
In the following example we subscribe for all alarms with severity higher than WARNING coming from the host 'host-1'.
AlarmEndpoint alarmEndpoint = new AlarmEndpoint("fault-manager-of-host-1","host-1",EndpointType.REST,"http://localhost:5555/alarm",PerceivedSeverity.WARNING);
String subscriptionId = monitoringPluginCaller.subscribeForFault(alarmEndpoint);
String unsubscribeForFault(String subscriptionId) throws MonitoringException;
This method detele the subscription with the ID passed as a argument. As a return value we get the id of the subscription effectively deleted. We can get the id of the subscription after the creation with subscribeForFault.
This method cannot be invoked by the customers as specified in the ETSI draft IFA005_Or-Vi_ref_point_Spec.
In Zabbix we can specify a severity of a trigger: not classified, information, warning, average, high, disaster.
In the ETSI draft there are different level of severity, called perceived severity: Indeterminate, warning, minor, major, critical.
So the mapping in the zabbix plugin is showed in the following table:
Zabbix severity | ETSI perceived severity |
Not classified | Indeterminate |
Information | Warning |
Warning | Warning |
Average | Minor |
High | Major |
Disaster | Critical |
When we create a new threshold, we would like to get a notification as soon as the threshold is crossed. Both interfaces send notifications with the method notify. According to ETSI specification there are 4 types of notifications.
The interface VirtualisedResourcePerformanceManagement sends two types of notifications:
- PerformanceInformationAvailableNotification (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) : this notification informs the receiver that performance information is available.
- hresholdCrossedNotification (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) : his notification informs the receiver that a threshold value has been crossed.
The interface VirtualisedResourceFaultManagement sends the following notifications:
- AlarmNotification: This notification informs the receiver of alarms resulting from the faults related to the virtualised resources managed by the VIM. It contains the Alarm with all the information about the fault.
- AlarmStateChangedNotification: This notification informs the receiver of state change of alarm related to the virtualised resources managed by the VIM, e.g. the alarm shall be set to “cleared” if the corresponding fault has been solved. It contains the id of the Alarm and the actual status which could be (CLEARED,FIRED,UPDATED).
Actually the zabbix-plugin when receives the notification by zabbix server, if the trigger has severity higher than Information, it creates an alarm (mapping zabbix notification into standard Alarm) and notify the subscribers with a AlarmNotification. If the notification is not new, then it sends an AlarmStateChangedNotification.
Issues and bug reports should be posted to the GitHub Issue Tracker of this project
OpenBaton is an open source project providing a comprehensive implementation of the ETSI Management and Orchestration (MANO) specification.
Open Baton is a ETSI NFV MANO compliant framework. Open Baton was part of the OpenSDNCore ( project started almost three years ago by Fraunhofer FOKUS with the objective of providing a compliant implementation of the ETSI NFV specification.
Open Baton is easily extensible. It integrates with OpenStack, and provides a plugin mechanism for supporting additional VIM types. It supports Network Service management either using a generic VNFM or interoperating with VNF-specific VNFM. It uses different mechanisms (REST or PUB/SUB) for interoperating with the VNFMs. It integrates with additional components for the runtime management of a Network Service. For instance, it provides autoscaling and fault management based on monitoring information coming from the the monitoring system available at the NFVI level.
The Source Code of the other Open Baton projects can be found here and the documentation can be found here .
Check the Open Baton Website Follow us on Twitter @openbaton.
Copyright [2015-2016] Open Baton project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
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