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Asynchronous API Gateway with Spring boot 2.1, Servlet 4, jetty 9 client
The Gateway is a network gateway created to provide a single access point for real-time web based protocol elevation that supports load balancing, clustering, and several validations. It is designed to make the best performance to deliver open API.
- Lightweight API Gateway
- High Performance/Scalability
- Supported Docker
- 1.0 Official Version is released
- rdb repository type is added for synchronizing services, apis, apps information
Moon API Gateway offers a powerful, yet lightweight feature.
- Request Validation - You can use various verification features in your request. It's also easy to add or remove new features.
- Header, Query, Path Param
- Rate Limiting - Provides strong rate limiting per API users. Redis-based Cluster servers share rate limiting information on a per-key basis.
- App Daily Rate Limiting
- App Minutely Rate Limiting
- Service Capacity - Manages the capacity of the service linked to the API gateway to ensure stable operation.
- Service Daily Capacity
- Service Minute Capacity
- Service Contract(agreement) - (Optional) API, App Users can only call APIs that have agreed to the contract relationship or terms.
- Request Transform - (Optional) It supports the change of Header, Query, Path Param as well as URI. This will change the user's request appropriately to the request of the service associated with the moon api gateway.
- IP Whitelisting - Block access to non-trusted IP addresses for more secure interactions on a per-key basis
- Management API - Provides powerful Rest API to manage API Gateway.
- API Add/Delete/Change
- APP Add/Delete/Change
- IP Whitelist Add/Delete
- Key Expiry/Regenerate
- Supported Server Cluster - API Gateway Cluster can be configured. With the Management API, the changes take effect on all servers. Rate Limiting, and Service Capacity information are all shared.
- Spring Boot 2.1
- Servlet 4
- Ehcache 3
- Jetty 9 client
- Jedis 3.0
There are required settings to run moon-api-gateway. You do not need to use initialization with the management API.
- Please set the global application first in application.yaml
ip-acl-enable: false
enable: false
sync-interval: 300000
repository-type: rdb
proxy-timeout: 20000
enable: false
host: ''
port: 6379
timeout: 1000
database: 0
- ip-acl-enable: Enable the ip whitelisting feature. It operates on APP basis.
- cluster/enable: If you enable a server cluster, the daemon thread continues to fetch services, apps, and apis information.
- cluster/sync-interval: This option allows you to set the interval for the cluster synchronization operation.
- cluster/repository-type: (redis, rdb) There are two storage options for syncing services, apps, and API information.
- proxy-timeout: This option allows you to set the timeout for the Rotating service.
- api-ratelimit/enable: If you enable the api-ratelimit feature, moon-api-gateway will count and block api requests. (api ratelimit, service capacity)
- jedis-client: If you enable the api-ratelimit feature, Redis is an essential infrastructure for moon-api-gateway.
- jedis-client/host: Host information for Redis.
- jedis-client/port: Port information for Redis.
- Please set the initial application registration in application-apps.yaml
- (These settings are optional)
init-enable: true
app-id: 0
app-name: TestApp
api-key: 1000-1000-1000-1000
app-minutely-ratelimit: 2000
app-daily-ratelimit: 10000
app-service-contract: [1, 2, 3]
app-ip-acl: ['', '']
app-id: 1
app-name: BestApp
api-key: e3938427-1e27-3a37-a854-0ac5a40d84a8
app-minutely-ratelimit: 1000
app-daily-ratelimit: 50000
app-service-contract: [1, 2]
app-ip-acl: ['']
- init-enable: The initial registration setting is not used.
- app-service-contract: A list of API services that app has permission to use.
- app-ip-acl: The whitelist of ip that can use this API Key.
- app minutely/daily ratelimit: The amount of APIs available to the app.
- Set up service and API specification configurations in application-apis.yml
- The API Gateway obtains Service and API information through the APIExposeSpecLoader.
init-enable: true
service-id: 1
service-name: stackoverflow
service-minutely-capacity: 10000
service-daily-capacity: 240000
service-path: /stackoverflow
outbound-service-host: api.stackexchange.com
api-id: 101
api-name: getInfo
protocol: http, https
inbound-method: get
outbound-method: get
inbound-url: /2.2/question/:first
outbound-url: /2.2/questions
header: page, votes
header-required: ""
query-param: version, site
query-param-required: site
api-id: 202
api-name: getQuestions
protocol: https
inbound-method: put
outbound-method: put
inbound-url: /2.2/question/:first
outbound-url: /2.2/questions
header: page, votes
header-required: ""
query-param: version, site
query-param-required: site
service-id: 2
service-name: stackoverflow2
service-minutely-capacity: 5000
service-daily-capacity: 100000
service-path: /another
outbound-service-host: api.stackexchange.com
api-id: 201
api-name: transformTest
protocol: http, https
method: get
inbound-url: /2.2/haha/question/:site
outbound-url: /:page/:site
header: page, votes
header-required: ""
query-param: version, site
query-param-required: site
page: [header, param_path]
site: [param_path, header]
service-id: '03'
service-name: service3
service-minutely-capacity: 5000
service-daily-capacity: 100000
service-path: /service3
outbound-service-host: api.stackexchange.com
only-pass-request-without-transform: true
- init-enable: The initial registration setting is not used.
- service-path: URL The first parameter in the Path. The API is routed to the service registered in that parameter.
- service minutely/daily capacity: The total amount of APIs that the service can route.
- outbound-service-host: The APIs of the service are routed to that domain.
- apis/inbound-url: Externally exposed API URL Path specification. ':?' Is a variable.
- apis/outbound-url: The actual url path of the service connected to the api-gateway.
- apis/header: This is the header that can be received when requesting API.
- apis/header-required: This header is mandatory for API requests.
- apis/query-param: This is the url query parameter that can be received when requesting API.
- apis/query-param-required: This url query parameter is mandatory for API requests.
- transform: The param that is received at the time of request is transformed into another variable area at the time of routing.
- Possible options: header, param_path, param_query, body_json
- usage: [source, destination] like [header, param_path]
- To use the body_json type, the content-type must be the application/json.
- only-pass-request-without-transform: All APIs are routed to services connected to the gateway without any analysis or transformation.
Moon-api-gateway supports the following protocol and method.
- Protocol
- http, https
- Method
- Get, Post, Put, Delete
Moon API Gateway supports clusters. Each node synchronizes API, APP, IP Whitelist and App Key (= API Key) information in near real time. Cluster nodes also work together to calculate the correct API Ratelimiting, Service Capacity.
- Service, API, APP, IP Whitelist Interval Sync
The Management API helps manage a single gateway or cluster group.
SERVICE Management
- SERVICE Register - [POST] /internal/services
- GET SERVICE Info - [GET] /internal/services/{serviceId}
- SERVICE Update - [PUT] /internal/services/{serviceId}
- GET ALL SERVICE Infos - [GET] /internal/services
APP Management
- APP Register - [POST] /internal/apps
- GET APP Info - [GET] /internal/apps/{appId}
- GET ALL APP Infos - [GET] /internal/apps
- APP UnRegister - [DELETE] /internal/apps/{appId}
- APP Update - [Future Feature]
- API Key Expiry - [DELETE] /internal/apps/{appId}/apikey
- API Key Regenerate - [PUT] /internal/apps/{appId}
- Add NEW IP Whitelist - [POST] /internal/apps/{appId}/whitelist
- Remove IP Whitelist - [DELETE] /internal/apps/{appId}/whitelist
API Management
- New API Register - [POST] /internal/apis
- API UnRegister - [DELETE] /internal/apis/{apiId}
- API Update - [PUT] /internal/apis/{apiId}
- GET API Spec - [GET] /internal/apis/{apiId}
- GET All API Specs - [GET] /internal/apis
Service And API Expose Specification for stackoverflow
service-id: '01'
service-name: stackoverflow
service-minutely-capacity: 10000
service-daily-capacity: 240000
service-path: /stackoverflow
outbound-service-host: api.stackexchange.com
api-id: '0101'
api-name: getInfo
protocol: http, https
inbound-method: get
outbound-method: get
inbound-url: /2.2/question/:first
outbound-url: /2.2/questions
header: page, votes
header-required: ""
query-param: version, site
query-param-required: site
- The api service path we want to call is '/stackoverflow'
- The inbound url path following the service path is '/2.2/question/:first'
- ': first' is the path parameter and we declare it 'test'.
- The calling protocol supports http and https, and we will call http.
- Set the header and url query parameters.
- When you call the API, the gateway will route the call to api.stackexchange.com set to outbound-service-host.
- When calling the API, the domain is api.stackexchange.com and the destination url path is '/2.2/questions' set to outbound-url.
./docker run -p 8080:8080 longcoding/moon-api-gateway
// Use curl or rest-client
./curl -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "apikey: 1000-1000-1000-1000" -H "page: 5" -H "votes: 1" http://localhost:8080/stackoverflow/2.2/question/test?site=stackoverflow
- Run moon-api-gateway as the most basic option.
- To use api-ratelimit, service capacity or cluster mode, you can modify the config file. (application.yml)
./gradlew test
To set method and scheme.
GET, http
Input URL.
Input URL parameter. ( site is mandatory query parameter )
site = stackoverflow
OR you can input URL like below.
and then input header fields. ( apikey is mandatory header.(or Query Parameter) )
apikey, 1000-1000-1000-1000
page, 5
votes, 1
Execute request and check response code and content.
curl -X GET -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "apikey: 1000-1000-1000-1000" -H "page: 5" -H "votes: 1" http://localhost:8080/stackoverflow/2.2/question/test?site=stackoverflow
- Authentication for Private API
For any inquiries, you can reach me at [email protected]
moon-api-gateway is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.