a Discord bot that serves as
- proxy commander: forward imagine, upscale, variate, and reroll interactions to a paid Midjourney account
- reactive listener: collect output messages from Midjourney Bot then process accordingly (interpret/persist/broadcast)
Make a Discord bot, so called mjr-bot, get its token and install it into your Discord server of choice
Grab the Discord user token of the Discord account that is on a paid subscription to Midjourney
Clone .env-without-consul.example into your own .env and fill in correct values
cp .env-without-consul.example .env vi .env
Install requirements (preferably within a virtualenv of python 3.11)
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run the main program
python3 main.py
In a Discord channel where the mjr-bot is invited to, invoke command
/lucky_imagine: a hippo is skating on an ice field, ultra realistic
- Build docker image
docker build -t mj-remit:latest -f Dockerfile .
- Run within a container
docker run -d -ti --name mj-remit-prod --restart=always --env-file=.env --network="host" mj-remit:latest
- I use consul as the secret keeper here (check the example) but apparently you can run with your .env so please ignore the consul-example.json and .env-with-consul.example if not applicable
- More work needs to be done to handle the queue limits stated in Midjourney Standard/Pro plan https://docs.midjourney.com/docs/plans
- Feel free to make your own docker-compose.yml to incorporate all dependent services like mongodb and rabbitmq to simplify the deployment to production
means results are not persisted to db / published to msg queue. If you change this value toTrue
, be sure to configure your mongodb & rabbitmq correctly.USE_MESSAGED_CHANNEL = True
means mjr bot will post the results into which ever guild-channel it was talked to, so in case of private channels, be sure it's invited & granted permissions to