VXL (the Vision-something-Libraries) is a collection of C++ libraries designed for computer vision research and implementation. It was created from TargetJr and the IUE with the aim of making a light, fast and consistent system. VXL is written in ANSI/ISO C++ and is designed to be portable over many platforms. The core libraries in VXL are:
A comprehensive description of the VXL project can be views at https://vxl.github.io/
This repository is for simple compilation in Mac OS.
It only compiles following libraries: vgl, vnl and vpgl in core and supporting libraries.
Supporting liabaries:
libclipper.a libtestlib.a libvcl.a
libnetlib.a libv3p_netlib.a libvcsl.a
Assume we are in the directory: /Code
git clone https://github.com/lood339/vxl.git
cd vxl
mkdir build
cd build
mkdir vxl_2.0
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/Code/vxl/build/vxl_2.0 ../
make -j4
make install
Then, the head files and library files will be in vxl_2.0
To use vxl, you have to add two headfile folders
and the library folder
In Xcode, add pathes to Header Search Paths, Library Search Paths and Runpath Search Paths