Website (with live demo): Development website:
BountyFunding is a bounty funding platform designed specifically for Free / Open-Source Software. It allows users to collectively sponsor most wanted features / bugfixes, and gives developers another source of income.
BountyFunding does not duplicate issue tracker functionality, but integrates with an existing solutions. This page describes only core webapp, list of available issue tracker plugins together with their documentation can be found in Plugins. It's possible to connect a plugin to an existing shared BountyHunding platform without deploying it yourself - see for details.
- Python (2.7)
- Database (SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL - anything supported by SQLAlchemy)
- Message Transfer Agent, such as Postfix or Exim
- Recommended: pip and virtualenv
- Python packages listed in requirements.txt file
Download the archive from github or clone the repository:
git clone
Run below command to install python dependencies if needed. I use pip, but they could also be installed with easy_install, packaging system native to your operating system or directly from source. You may consider using virtualenv to isolate the installation from other Python applications.
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Configure the BountyFunding webapp. Example configuration file can be found in bountyfunding/conf/bountyfunding.ini.sample, for a simple installation it is enough to duplicate this file and remove the .sample extension, but it's a good idea to look inside to examine available options. You will probably need to change tracker URL and admin user. If you want to use PayPal you'll need to replace project sandbox API credentials with your real ones.
cp conf/bountyfunding.ini.sample conf/bountyfunding.ini
Populate the database. If you are using sqlite database backend (default) then database will be automatically created and populated on the first run. Otherwise you'll need to execute following command:
./ create-db
Run the BountyFunding webapp
./ >& log/bountyfunding.log &
Although BountyFunding embeds production-quality WSGI server (Waitress), it's possible to run it on another one. To do that use bountyfunding.wsgi file located in the main project directory. For example mod_wsgi configuration could look like this:
Put the following in your apache config and restart Apache:
<VirtualHost *:80> WSGIDaemonProcess bountyfunding user=<server user> group=<server group> processes=1 threads=5 python-path=/path/to/bountyfunding:/path/to/virtualenv/lib/python<version>/site-packages WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/bountyfunding/bountyfunding.wsgi <Directory /path/to/bountyfunding> WSGIProcessGroup bountyfunding WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} WSGIScriptReloading On Order deny,allow Allow from all </Directory> ErrorLog /path/to/bountyfunding/log/bountyfunding.log CustomLog /path/to/bountyfunding/log/bountyfunding.log combined </VirtualHost>
For development you will need all python packages listed in requirements-dev.txt:
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
During development it's sometimes useful to restart the server after every change in the source code. This can be done automatically by using reload program. Just start the server as follows:
reload ./