Airports Public
Forked from mwgg/AirportsA JSON database of 28k+ airports with ICAO/IATA codes, names, cities, two-letter country identifiers, elevation, latitude & longitude, and a timezone identifier
MIT License UpdatedAug 31, 2024 -
emojivoto Public
Forked from BuoyantIO/emojivotoExample application to help demonstrate the Linkerd service mesh
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 12, 2023 -
dependencyCheckDemo Public
Forked from irobust/dependencyCheckDemoVulnerability on php mailer and jQuery ui
UpdatedJul 18, 2022 -
tesserocr Public
Forked from sirfz/tesserocrA Python wrapper for the tesseract-ocr API
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 8, 2020 -
python-docs-samples Public
Forked from GoogleCloudPlatform/python-docs-samplesCode samples used on cloud.google.com
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 26, 2020 -
PEA-Blockgeeks-JS Public
Forked from tamkung555/PEA-Blockgeeks-JSWhat is Github and how to use Git
HTML UpdatedMar 26, 2020 -
simple-react-panel Public template
Forked from grafana/grafana-starter-panelBoilerplate react example
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 26, 2020 -
influxdb-nodejs Public
Forked from vicanso/influxdb-nodejsSimple influxdb client
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 13, 2020 -
rickshaw Public
Forked from shutterstock/rickshawJavaScript toolkit for creating interactive real-time graphs
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 14, 2019 -
Find-and-crop-objects-From-images-using-OpenCV-and-Python Public
Forked from imneonizer/Find-and-crop-objects-From-images-using-OpenCV-and-PythonThis project could help out the problem of detecting objects and sorting them from images automatically
Python UpdatedAug 22, 2019 -
VisionRace Public
Forked from CRM-UAM/VisionRacePython image processing script based on OpenCV to enable the control of a Line Follower robot through a camera.
Python UpdatedApr 6, 2019 -
canny_edge_detector Public
Forked from FienSoP/canny_edge_detectorCanny Edge detector library
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJan 16, 2019 -
grafana-embed Public
Forked from ruuvi/grafana-embedDemo on how to embed data from RuuviTags to your website
CSS UpdatedOct 25, 2018