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bgregoir committed Dec 8, 2017
1 parent 89618eb commit 527d9ad
Showing 1 changed file with 106 additions and 0 deletions.
106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions examples/
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@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
require import AllCore Distr DBool DInterval List.

require BitWord Bigop.

clone import BitWord as BS.
clone import Bigop as BBS with
type t <- BS.word,
op Support.idm <- BS.zerow,
op Support.( + ) <- BS.(+^)
proof * by smt.

op N:int.

pred sxor (s s':int list) (i:int) =
exists s1 s2, s = s1 ++ s2 /\ s' = s1 ++ i :: s2.

pred sxor2 (s s':int list) (i:int) =
sxor s s' i \/ sxor s' s i.
lemma sxor_cons s i : sxor s (i :: s) i.
proof. by exists [] s. qed.
lemma sxor2_cons (s s':int list) (i j:int):
sxor2 s s' i => sxor2 (j::s) (j::s') i.
proof. smt []. qed.
(* The database *)
op a : int -> word.
module PIR = {
proc query (s:int list) = {
return (big predT a s);
var s, s' : int list

proc main (i:int) = {
var r, r' : word;
var j = 0;
var b;
(s, s') = ([], []);
while (j < N) {
b <$ {0,1};
if (j = i) {
if (b) s <- j :: s; else s' <- j :: s';
} else {
if (b) { s <- j :: s; s' <- j :: s'; }
j <- j + 1;

r <@ query(s);
r' <@ query(s');

return r +^ r';
lemma PIR_correct &m i0 : 0 <= i0 < N => Pr [PIR.main(i0) @ &m : res = a i0] = 1%r.
move=> bound.
(* TODO: allows to do directly "byhoare (_: i = i0 ==> res = a i0)" *)
byphoare (_: i = i0 ==> res = a i0) => // {&m}.
conseq (: _ ==> true) (: _ ==> res = a i0)=> //.
+ proc;inline *;wp.
conseq (_: _ ==> sxor2 PIR.s PIR.s' i) => //.
+ by move=> &m -> s s' [] [s1 s2 [-> ->]];rewrite !big_cat big_consT;ring.
while (j <= N /\ if j <= i then PIR.s = PIR.s' else sxor2 PIR.s PIR.s' i).
+ wp;rnd;skip => /= &m [[_]] + HjN.
have -> /= : j{m} + 1 <= N by smt [].
case: (j{m} <= i{m}) => Hji;2: by smt [].
move=> -> b _;case: (j{m} = i{m}) => [->> | /#].
by rewrite (_ : !(i{m}+1 <= i{m})) 1:/# /=; smt w=sxor_cons.
by auto => /#.
proc;inline *;wp.
while (true) (N-j).
+ move=> z;wp;rnd predT;skip => &hr />;smt w=dbool_ll.
by auto=> /#.
equiv PIR_secure1: PIR.main ~ PIR.main : true ==> ={PIR.s}.
proc;inline *;wp.
while (={j,PIR.s});auto.
equiv PIR_secure2: PIR.main ~ PIR.main : true ==> ={PIR.s'}.
proc;inline *;wp.
while (={j,PIR.s'});2: by auto.
case: ((j = i){1}).
+ rcondt{1} 2; 1:by auto.
case: ((j = i){2}); 1: by rcondt{2} 2; auto.
rcondf{2} 2; 1:by auto.
wp;rnd (fun x => !x);skip => &m1 &m2 /> ??; split=>[??| _ b _];1:by apply dbool_funi.
by apply dbool_fu.
rcondf{1} 2; 1:by auto.
case: ((j = i){2}); 2: by rcondf{2} 2; auto.
rcondt{2} 2; 1: by auto.
wp;rnd (fun x => !x);skip => &m1 &m2 /> ??; split=>[??| _ b _];1:by apply dbool_funi.
by apply dbool_fu.

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