I'm a curious, quick-learning, and empathy-driven data scientist with a drive for bringing my problem solving skills to collaboratively create agile, end-to-end machine learning solutions in Python with equal focus on macro-level impact and micro-level decision-making. Not an actual otter, but my name does rhyme with one.
- Working on: Story Squad's Free Daily Story Contest, providing kiddos (or adults!) with a regular creative writing outlet that can be read & scored by robots 🤖 then upvoted by peers. Based on work from this project repo. Primary skills: stakeholder & crossfunctional team communication, NLP in Python, RESTful API integration, AWS deployment, implementing Google Cloud OCR for handwriting recognition.
- Current gig: Contract Data Scientist with Lambda Studios
- Passionate about: positive human impact, clear communication, nuance, the logic of empathy, and the high peanut-butter-to-chocolate ratio in seasonal Reese's
- Seeking: Next industry job as a Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, or Data Engineer
- Contact me: [email protected]