iphonedevtodev is a collection of scripts to simplify creating a developer-to-developer iphone-app-distribution.
You can add this script to an iPhone Xcode project as a Run Script build Phase for easy automation.
- Make the build phase. Right-click on your target and select Add > New Build Phase > New Run Script Build Phase.
- In the window that opens up, just put this for the “Script” field (replace '{PATHTOGITPROJECTCLONEINYOURFILESYSTEM}' with the correct path to where you cloned this git repo):
script_file="{PATHTOGITPROJECTCLONEINYOURFILESYSTEM}/devtodevdistribution.sh" dist_dirname="dist" resign_file="{PATHTOGITPROJECTCLONEINYOURFILESYSTEM}/re-sign.sh"
echo "Running a custom build phase script: $script_file $dist_dirname
- "Show Environment variables in build log", "Run Script only when installing" should be unchecked.
Version 0.1 @ 2010-01-26
- Initial release.