- slides - Introduction to fitbit dapp by alincode
- slides - Introduction to oraclize by alincode
- Oraclize Documentation
- you need to wait 2~3 minute until you can see you are signed upplayerRefund
- if the contest ends and 3 days after the owner still did not trigger payouts, the user can click the refund button to get their money back
- sponsors can fund many times, additional times will update "amount" and "name"
- it will update all user end step and save the doneAt.award
- if will check doneAt, make a sure, you already waiting for 10 minutes. then you can call this function and it will count all winner and award money to winner
git clone https://github.com/ethereum-play/workshop-fitbit-dapp.git
cd workshop-fitbit-dapp
npm install
npm start # run livereload dev server
# edit repo
npm run build # build: updates bundle
git add -A && git commit -m "<summary of changes>"
git push # publish