“连续八年成为全世界最受喜爱的语言,无 GC 也无需手动内存管理、极高的性能和安全性、过程/OO/函数式编程、优秀的包管理、JS 未来基石" — 工作之余的第二语言来试试 Rust 吧。本书拥有全面且深入的讲解、生动贴切的示例、德芙般丝滑的内容,这可能是目前最用心的 Rust 中文学习教程 / Book
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A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
Java implementation of a Web Thing server
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Materialize, a CSS Framework based on Material Design
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Image-to-image translation with conditional adversarial nets
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