Carefully consider using this library. I’m no longer maintaining the repository. Community is taking care of development and new features. Thanks to: @IvanMMM @SergeyMihrjakov @dilame @sebyddd @hieven
You can install this by using npm:
npm install instagram-private-api
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Most of us are fighting with time, please support to give me more time to do more awesome features!
What is this?
Since I had a lot of troubles with the official API (sandbox etc.). I decided to make a Node.JS api wrapper and to provide the code to others. It is an OOP api, and has a small coverage ... I DO NOT USE THIS FOR SPAM, hope you will not either.
What can you do with this API wrapper?
Pretty much anything that the Instagram PRIVATE API allows, except for some endpoints that you need to implement by yourself or make a pull request to the repository.
- You can easily ask for any private endpoint with the
classes - Session and device management
- Follow / unfollow
- Upload / delete medias (photos)
- Like anything you like :P
- Search & Iterate for Location, Users, Hashtags
- Edit account profile
- Resolve challenges (Captcha, Phone verification, Email verification)
- Access media from many sources profile / location / hashtag
- Access feeds for timeline or discovery
- Create and manage new accounts
- Send direct messages or list direct messages in inbox
- Much more ...
How to use this (quick follow example)?
You need to obtain a session to access endpoints with the Session
var Client = require('instagram-private-api').V1;
var device = new Client.Device('someuser');
var storage = new Client.CookieFileStorage(__dirname + './cookies/someuser.json');
// And go for login
Client.Session.create(device, storage, 'someuser', 'somepassword')
.then(function(session) {
// Now you have a session, we can follow / unfollow, anything...
// And we want to follow Instagram official profile
return [session, Client.Account.searchForUser(session, 'instagram')]
.spread(function(session, account) {
return Client.Relationship.create(session,;
.then(function(relationship) {
// {followedBy: ... , following: ... }
// Yey, you just followed @instagram
Request & WebRequest Classes
Nice! So you mentioned that we can hit any endpoint?
That is true. Every request going to Instagram is actually performed through the
Request & WebRequest classes. For the private endpoints used by Android or iPhone,
you can simply use the Request
class, which will lead to the host
. For requests to
(web app), you can use
the WebRequest
class. WebRequest
is a child of Request
Here is an example (how likes are actually implemented):
return new Client.Request(session)
.setResource('like', {id: mediaId})
media_id: mediaId,
src: "profile"
.then(function(data) {
return new Client.Like(session, {});
If you don't know how to find the media ID of an image, you might find this link helpful. There is an NPM package that convert the image url fragment to the media ID for you.
Let me make this clearer and explain it a little bit more in detail:
The Request
constructor accepts, as its first and only argument a class
which should be an instanceof Session
class. Session
class is the
glue between Device
and CookieStorage
. So if you create a session,
you can easily hit any endpoint without worrying about authentication
or cookies management.
.setResource(resource:string, params:Object)
is the method to setup the URL, which can be also interpreted as
but the setResource
method has a predefined list of endpoints, so you don't
need to construct the URL by yourself.
will generate a Device UUID, which is what every device does, but it's probably
not required. It is also available on Device.prototype
as property id
.setData(params:Object, override:boolean)
will set data you want to send to the Instagram endpoint. With the Request
you can set the body format of the request with method
choices used by instagram are json
, form
, body
, formData
some endpoints require a signed payload. Under the hood the Instagram apps
actually have C++ libraries that are compiled into machine code. This means
it is not really easy to see the source of these libraries. This is a great
way to not let developers see what is going on. And there is a library
, that has methods to generate signatures for the JSON payload
you want to send to Instagram. Funny thing about that is, you need ARM based
processor to use these libraries, so you can sign requests but only on ARM based processors.
This actually gives us 2 choices. One is to start a (virtual) machine with
such processor and build some kind of bridge to communicate. The second is to find out how
is working and apply the same behavior in node (which would of course be better).
More about this interesting technique and how to extract keys and also a great source of learning is here: MKHDZNFQ Blog
Luckily for us, we know and we are able to analyze
and thus
we have a clean implementation of signatures for Instagram.
Signatures are not required for all endpoints, but for all sensitive ones
(likes / follow / directs / login), you will receive a 400 Bad Request
error, without signature.
Example of JSON payload to sign-in:
The first is the hash (signature), followed by dot and then the JSON payload.
The hash is actually created by HMAC encryption, in combination with an
encryption key called the private key
any other options you want to apply to request should be passed as the first
argument to the .send
is just promise library. Must be called after .send
We are using Bluebird library
which is a really nice way to work with promises.
The Request
and Webrequest
classes are built on top of the Request.js library.
The Webrequest
library can actually use same session. No need to create a new one.
If you need to sniff traffic to see what your phone is doing and see the available endpoints I strongly recommend Charles Debug Proxy. Easiest combination for me is iPhone + Charles. iPhone allows you to redirect all your traffic to your local machine and then you can inspect what is going on by putting Charles in middle. Traffic is encrypted by SSL, so you need to install Charles root certificate first.
Session and cookies management:
So you said earlier there is a class gluing cookies and device, what?
The Session class is actually gluing any instance of CookieStorage
and Device
Every request to Instagram must be chained with proper headers and data,
in order to make endpoints work.
For example every endpoint requires a proper User-Agent
header in
order to verify signature or X-CSFR-Token
| _csrftoken
to verify that you
are doing request intentionally.
CookieStorage & CookieFileStorage & CookieMemoryStorage
You can store cookies anywhere you want. Cookies are done with tough-cookie.
Simple overview would be that, CookieStorage
should have property
store, which should be child instance of tough.Store
For more info checkout this:
tough.Store and
internal class CookieFileStorage
var storage = new Client.CookieFileStorage(__dirname + './cookies/someuser.json');
// or simply var storage = new Client.CookieMemoryStorage();
// will return actual userId from cookies
Session class
You can create a new instance of Session by calling
var session = new Session(storage:CookieStorage, device:Device)
If you have valid cookies, you don't need to worry about anything else if you don't, you need to create a session with storage and device.
static method
Session.create(device:Device, storage:CookieStorage, username:string, password:string, proxyUrl?:string)
can help you with that. This method will sign-in and create a new Session instance.
.getAccountId() : Promise<void|string>
this method returns the account id from cookies
this will set proper proxy-url. More about this below.
.getAccount() : Promise<Account>
will return the account object associated with your session.
// lets assume you got valid session
// var session = new Client.Session(device, storage)
.then(function(account) {
// {username: "...", ...}
Device class
You can instantize new class, which will be able to represent it self as a device
you are using to access instagram. By default it will generate device
from list of devices (can be found at client/v1/devices.json
Reason for username in arguments is that you need to have same device for same user every time when you access instagram API. This is done through correlated md5 username hash.
Also Device
class is responsible for the phone_id
property, which is often
sent with other data. It is responsible for generating a correlated android-id
var device = new Client.Device('username');
device.md5 // will return md5 of your username
device.md5int // will return md5 integer representation of your device // will give you device model information
device.resolution // will give you resolution of device
device.dpi // will give you dpi of device
device.api // android API
device.release // android release
device.userAgent() // will return useragent for device
method is very important for many reasons. One of them
is that without proper user agent there is no way how you can access signed endpoints.
How to proxy every request:
There are 2 choices to proxy requests:
Proxy URL has a standard format:
- Unauthenticated:
- Authenticated:
http(s)://user:[email protected]/
You can set a global proxy or default proxy by calling
Or if you are interested in one proxy per session
session.proxyUrl = proxyURL
SAME ASsession.setProxy(proxyURL)
If you use a combination of these two methods, the first one has lower priority, meaning that, if you set a global proxy, and then a session proxy, the session proxy will be used.
Static .create
method also accepts the proxy as last (optional parameter)
Session.create(device, storage, username, password, proxyURL)
Resource classes:
class is the base class for every resource.
From this class inherit:
Account, Comment, Hashtag, Like, Location, Media, Relationship, Thread, ThreadItem, Upload
constructor accepts two arguments:
new InstagramResource(session: Session, params: Object)
This class is keeping the session and params of every resource class mentioned above.
Remember this example?
// let's assume you got a valid session
// var session = new Client.Session(device, storage)
.then(function(account) {
// {username: "...", ...}
actually came from InstagramResource
Account static .getById
implementation as an example:
Account.getById = function (session, id) {
return new Request(session)
.setResource('userInfo', {id: id})
.then(function(data) {
// data variable is a pure JSON object which will be parsed
// by Account.prototype.parse and set as the top level property params
return new Account(session, data.user)
// Usage
Account.getById(session, '1234567')
.then(function(account) {
// {username: "...", ...}
// only property which is exported as top level
// property
Another example would be upload:
// JPEG is the only supported format now, pull request for any other format welcomed!, './path/to/your/jpeg.jpg')
.then(function(upload) {
// upload instanceof Client.Upload
// nothing more than just keeping upload id
return Media.configurePhoto(session, upload.params.uploadId, 'akward caption');
.then(function(medium) {
// we configure medium, it is now visible with caption
Video upload:
// MP4 is the only supported format now, pull request for any other format welcomed!, './path/to/your/video.mp4','./path/to/your/coverImg.jpg')
.then(function(upload) {
return Media.configureVideo(session, upload.uploadId, 'akward caption', upload.durationms);
.then(function(medium) {
// we configure medium, it is now visible with caption
Album upload:
var medias = [
type: 'photo',
size: [400, 400],
data: './path/to/photo/photo.jpg'
type: 'video',
size: [720, 720],
thumbnail: './path/to/video/thumbnail/thumbnail.jpg',
data: './path/to/video/video.mp4'
} // ... up to 10 media files (photo/video)
], disabledComments = true;
Client.Upload.album(session, medias)
.then(function (payload) {
Client.Media.configureAlbum(session, payload, 'akward caption', disabledComments)
.then(function () {
// we configure album
Feed is the class which implements functionality to iterate through a list (which can be an infinite list) of data, like user media or hashtag media or locations.
Every feed implements the method .get
to help you
go move the cursor and fetch items until you hit the bottom.
is a sort of pagination for the API. Basically in every
request you will receive the next cursor for next request, which will
lead to another set of data for this specific feed.
Implemented are: AccountFollowers, AccountFollowing, UserMedia, LocationMedia, TaggedMedia, MediaComments, SelfLiked, TimelineFeed, Inbox, Thread
Feed API is the same almost every time:
var feed = new Client.Feed.UserMedia(session:Session, ...extraArguments)
Since feeds can be infinite and we cannot obviosly fetch all results, we need
to iterate. Every time you call .get
, you will receive a new set of data
and set new cursor
feed.get() : Promise<Media[]>
var _ = require('underscore');
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var accountId = '123456'
var feed = new Client.Feed.UserMedia(session, accountId);
Promise.mapSeries(_.range(0, 20), function() {
return feed.get();
.then(function(results) {
// result should be Media[][]
var media = _.flatten(results);
var urls =, function(medium) {
return _.last(medium.images)
feed.getCursor() : string
will return the current cursor
, which will be set after calling .get
feed.setCursor() : void
will set new cursor
, from which you can start to iterate
feed.isMoreAvailable() : Boolean
returns a boolean indicating if there is more data to fetch. Of course you can hit bottom and then there would be no other data to fetch.
Some feeds have more methods to make things easier. You can check them out.
Account Creator
and his children AccountEmailCreator
, AccountPhoneCreator
are designed to create an account. To make account you want to probably use either
or AccountPhoneCreator
it self is just abstraction.
Example of AccountEmailCreator
// Create empty session
var session = new Client.Session(device, storage);
new AccountEmailCreator(session)
.spread(function(account, discover) {
// account instanceof Client.Account
console.log("Created Account", account)
console.log("Discovery Feed", discover);
Example of AccountPhoneCreator
// Create empty session
var session = new Client.Session(device, storage);
new AccountPhoneCreator(session)
.setPhone('phone number ie 111222333')
.setPhoneCallback(function() {
// This will be called in order to
// supply verification code, must return promise
// with actual value
return Promise.resolve("123456")
.spread(function(account, discover) {
// account instanceof Client.Account
console.log("Created Account", account)
console.log("Discovery Feed", discover);
Serval exceptions can be raised.
if you dont supply valid emailInvalidUsername
if you dont have valid usernameInvalidPhone
for invalid phone numberInvalidPassword
is you password is for example too shortAccountRegistrationError
when instagram denied your code or registrionAuthenticationError
when account is created but you did not successfuly log in
If you tried too much for you testing purposes you can supply proxy to session. Check the "How to proxy every request" section.
The Challenge
class and its children are a way to somehow respond to
Instagram verification requests. Let me tell you this first: I hope you will
not spam Instagram, because they are providing a really great service
and this repo should just be used for easier access to their API... Anyway
Instagram is really freaking smart and aggressive about getting you banned for
any malicious activity, so be careful Icarus and don't spam.
In case you don't have any malicious intentions and you get into a situation that requires you to verify via mail or phone you can use the challenge classes to automate this process.
Example first:
// var device, storage, user, password;
// you get those from previous examples
function challengeMe(error){
return Client.Web.Challenge.resolve(error)
// challenge instanceof Client.Web.Challenge
// can be phone or email
// let's assume we got phone
if(!challenge.type !== 'phone') return;
//Let's check if we need to submit/change our phone number
// Ok we got to the next step, the response code expected by Instagram
return challenge.code('123456');
// And we got the account confirmed!
// so let's login again
return loginAndFollow(device, storage, user, password);
function loginAndFollow(device, storage, user, password) {
return Client.Session.create(device, storage, user, password)
.then(function(session) {
// Now you have a session, we can follow / unfollow, anything...
// And we want to follow Instagram official profile
return [session, Client.Account.searchForUser(session, 'instagram')]
.spread(function(session, account) {
return Client.Relationship.create(session,;
loginAndFollow(device, storage, user, password)
.catch(Client.Exceptions.CheckpointError, function(error){
// Ok now we know that Instagram is asking us to
// prove that we are real users
return challengeMe(error);
.then(function(relationship) {
// {followedBy: ... , following: ... }
// Yey, you just followed an account
More common for such a situation is PhoneVerification. Of course there are services like and others which will provide an API to let you receive Instagram SMS messages!
Similar repository:
End User License Agreement (EULA)
- You will not use this repository for sending mass spam or any other malicious activity
- We / You will not support anyone who is violating this EULA conditions
- Repository is just for learning / personal purposes thus should not be part of any service available on the Internet that is trying to do any malicious activity (mass bulk request, spam etc.)