is a perl script for downloading seismic waveform data in the format of SAC
from IRIS Web Services on the command-line interface.
- It runs in command-line interface.
- It is light. Minimal memory of computer is used.
- It is fast. Raytracing is not performed to find a proper window.
You should install perl libraries below.
- LWP::UserAgent
- Date::Calc::XS
Perl library can be easily installed using cpan
$) PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 perl -MCPAN -e 'install +LWP::UserAgent'
$) PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 perl -MCPAN -e 'install +Date::Calc::XS'
Go to edit mode (vi ./
) and set the line below properly for your system.
my $sac = "/opt/sac/bin/sac" ;
You can know where sac
is by
$) which sac
If not installed, sac
should be preinstalled at IRIS's Software Downloads.
$) chmod +x ./
$) ./
Permit to make a working directory.
./.tmpdir.aJyrZ0RjID782P88 will be generated. [y/n]:
You might see below.
| |
Version 1.00 (Apr. 2021)
Type help(h) to see usage.
STP) evt 2015/09/08,08:19:53.790 -33.1147 -178.2046 12.77 5.5(mww) O(-200) O(1800) 7D % -- BHZ
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12
1: command name
2: yyyy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss(.sss)
3: latitude
4: longitude
5: depth
6: magnitude (class of magnitude)
7: starting time in terms of origin time defined at '2'
8: ending time in terms of origin time defined at '2'
9: network (wild cards: % = * and _ = ? in Linux)
10: station (same above)
11: location (same above)
12: channel (same above)
Output looks like this.
saved: ./RESP.7D.FS04D.--.BHZ
saved: ./20150908081953.7D.FS04D.--.BHZ.sac
saved: ./RESP.7D.FS08D.--.BHZ
saved: ./20150908081953.7D.FS08D.--.BHZ.sac
saved: ./RESP.7D.FS44D.--.BHZ
saved: ./20150908081953.7D.FS44D.--.BHZ.sac
saved: ./RESP.7D.G10D.--.BHZ
saved: ./20150908081953.7D.G10D.--.BHZ.sac
saved: ./RESP.7D.G33D.--.BHZ
saved: ./20150908081953.7D.G33D.--.BHZ.sac
saved: ./RESP.7D.G37D.--.BHZ
saved: ./20150908081953.7D.G37D.--.BHZ.sac
saved: ./RESP.7D.J20D.--.BHZ
saved: ./20150908081953.7D.J20D.--.BHZ.sac
saved: ./RESP.7D.M16D.--.BHZ
saved: ./20150908081953.7D.M16D.--.BHZ.sac
Go to edit mode (vi ./
) and change the lines below for your purpose.
my $box ;
$box .= "&minlat=38.8533" ;
$box .= "&maxlat=51.149" ;
$box .= "&minlon=-134.0732" ;
$box .= "&maxlon=-122.3837" ;
Use IRIS's gmap to find a proper box.
STP) dir data01/001
STP) evt 2015/09/08,08:19:53.790 -33.1147 -178.2046 12.77 5.5(mww) O(-200) O(1800) 7D % -- BHZ
Output looks like this.
saved: ./data01/001/20150908081953.7D.FS04D.--.BHZ.sac
saved: ./data01/001/20150908081953.7D.FS08D.--.BHZ.sac
saved: ./data01/001/20150908081953.7D.FS44D.--.BHZ.sac
saved: ./data01/001/20150908081953.7D.G10D.--.BHZ.sac
saved: ./data01/001/20150908081953.7D.G33D.--.BHZ.sac
saved: ./data01/001/20150908081953.7D.G37D.--.BHZ.sac
saved: ./data01/001/20150908081953.7D.J20D.--.BHZ.sac
saved: ./data01/001/20150908081953.7D.M16D.--.BHZ.sac
Similarly, the directory where the response files are saved can be changed.
STP) dirresp resp01
Output becomes
saved: resp01/RESP.7D.FS04D.--.BHZ
saved: resp01/RESP.7D.FS08D.--.BHZ
saved: resp01/RESP.7D.FS44D.--.BHZ
saved: resp01/RESP.7D.G10D.--.BHZ
saved: resp01/RESP.7D.G33D.--.BHZ
saved: resp01/RESP.7D.G37D.--.BHZ
saved: resp01/RESP.7D.J20D.--.BHZ
saved: resp01/RESP.7D.M16D.--.BHZ
STP) input filepath
where the filepath contains multiple lines of the commands.
An example file is
dirresp resp01
skip on
dir data01/001
evt 2015/09/08,08:19:53.790 -33.1147 -178.2046 12.77 5.5(mww) O(-200) O(1800) 7D % -- BHZ
evt 2015/09/08,08:19:53.790 -33.1147 -178.2046 12.77 5.5(mww) O(-200) O(1800) 7D % -- HHZ
dir data01/002
evt 2015/09/09,07:05:44.490 -49.5321 -116.3317 10.0 5.9(mwb) O(-200) O(1800) 7D % -- BHZ
evt 2015/09/09,07:05:44.490 -49.5321 -116.3317 10.0 5.9(mwb) O(-200) O(1800) 7D % -- HHZ
dir data01/003
evt 2015/09/11,21:19:18.000 -5.98 146.66 26.0 5.5(mwc) O(-200) O(1800) 7D % -- BHZ
evt 2015/09/11,21:19:18.000 -5.98 146.66 26.0 5.5(mwc) O(-200) O(1800) 7D % -- HHZ
dir data01/004
evt 2015/09/11,21:19:18.660 -5.9797 146.6564 26.0 5.5(mww) O(-200) O(1800) 7D % -- BHZ
evt 2015/09/11,21:19:18.660 -5.9797 146.6564 26.0 5.5(mww) O(-200) O(1800) 7D % -- HHZ
dir data01/005
evt 2015/09/12,13:38:01.000 41.9 142.65 49.0 5.5(mwc) O(-200) O(1800) 7D % -- BHZ
evt 2015/09/12,13:38:01.000 41.9 142.65 49.0 5.5(mwc) O(-200) O(1800) 7D % -- HHZ
!zip -r data01
!zip -r resp01
skip on
skip redownloading and overwriting the sac files if they exist.
enables one to run a linux command.
STP) quit
STP) help
Convert the event file, made by the program JWEED, to an input file of
Go to directory ex01 by cd ex01
$) ./ > cmd01
After turning on
STP) input cmd01
Similarly, make an event file and convert it to the input file.
cd ex02
./ > cmd01
After turning on
STP) input cmd01
./ #output = events.xml
./ events.xml > events.txt
./ > cmd
Some FDSN event server supports only format=xml. This is for it.
run in background and immune to an unexpected shutdown of terminal. It is advantageous when one downloads many data for a long time.
$) nohup ./
STP) input cmd01
$) bg
Guidelines for IRIS DMC services
are requiring no more than 5 concurrent connections and no more than 10 connections per second.
Avoid running too many processes of
sleeps for a while when the averaged number of connections exceeds a threshold.
Removing or changing this part in
needs carefulness.
- Option to change 'O' into other phases, such as 'P' or 'S' (using raytracing program).
- Custom format of name of file. You should modify a variable
in the source code if you want to change it.