rtl-sdr-lna is a LNA for the ezcap digital TV USB stick (or other USB tuners). This is intended to improve the sensitivity of it for use as a cheap SDR.
The amplifier is stable, but the matching could probably be improved.
See the following websites for more information on the rtl-sdr:
The board is intended to take the place of the RF connector on the ezcap.
s2p files for simulation are available from Avago and Murata. I'm using ADS for simulation, qucs would be a free open source alternative.
The PCB can be ordered from OSH Park for $3.15 here: http://oshpark.com/shared_projects/ExVzBewI
All layouts and schematics in this repository are under an MIT license. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] with suggestions, questions, or complaints.