Selected build environments:
- Windows-MSVC 2013-64bit with MSMPI-v8:
- Linux(Ubuntu trusty)-GCC-4.8 with MPICH2-3.0.4:
- macOS-Clang-7.3 with OpenMPI-2.1.1:
The Spatially Explicit Integrated Modeling System (SEIMS), is an integrated, modular, parallellized, fully-distributed, and continuous Watershed modeling and scenario analysis system.
SEIMS is mainly written by C++ with support of GDAL, Mongo-C-Driver, OpenMP and/or MPI, while Python is used for organizing the preprocessing, postprocessing, scenario analysis, etc. workflows. SEIMS is intented to be an open-source, cross-platform, and high performaced integrated watershed modeling system. Theoretically, SEIMS could be compiled by common used compiler (e.g. MSVC, GCC, and Clang) as 32-bit or 64-bit programs and run on any mainstream OS (e.g. Windows, Linux, and macOS).
SEIMS contains several module catogories, include Hydrology, Erosion, Nutrient, Plant Growth, BMP Management, etc. Algorithms are integrated from SWAT, LISEM, WetSpa Extension, DHSVM, CASC2D, etc.
SEIMS is still being developing and any constructive feedback (issues or push requests) will be welcome and appreciated.
Currently, only Chinese-version wiki is provided and hosted on Github, English-version will be available in the near future. More information on SEIMS Wiki.
- Download or clone from Github. A useful Github guidiance can be found here.
- Read the basic code structure.
- Install MongoDB client and start mongo service automatically.
- You may need a MongoDB IDE to view and edit data. MongoVUE, Robomongo, or Mongo Explorer for JetBrains (e.g. PyCharm, CLion) are recommended.
Demo data is provided in ~/data
. SEIMS workflow can be summerized as five part.
- a) Data preparation and Preprocessing for SEIMS
- b) Run SEIMS model
- c) Postprocess, e.g. export hydrograph
- d) Model calibration
- e) Scenario analysis
Now, you can build you own SEIMS model!
Dr.Junzhi Liu ([email protected])
Liangjun Zhu ([email protected])
Updated: 2017-3-21