Atmo is an Alexa skill for Netatmo personal weather stations.
Atmo supports oAuth so you only need to grant the skill access to your Netatmo weather station from the Alexa companion App when you enable the skill for the first time.
- carbon dioxide level
- gust speed
- humidity
- noise level
- pressure
- rainfall
- temperature
- wind speed
Alexa, ask atmo what are my sensors?
Alexa, ask atmo what sensors do I have?
For the intents below, let's assume the response to a ListSensors intent was: You can retrieve weather data from the following sensors: indoors, outdoors, kid's bedroom.
Alexa, ask atmo what are the measurements available indoors?
Alexa, ask atmo to list the measurements available in the kid's bedroom.
Alexa, ask atmo what's the temperature indoors?
Alexa, ask atmo to give me the humidity outdoors.
Alexa, ask atmo to tell me the carbon dioxide level in the kid's bedroom.
Rinse and repeat with other measurements (noise level, pressure & wind speed for example) and sensors.
Here is a simple but nice Datadog dashboard showing some of the behind the scenes metrics for the Atmo Alexa skill:
Alexa, ask atmo to list the measurements available.
Alexa, ask atmo to give me the humidity.
Atmo will try to retrieve a list of available measurements or the specified measurement from your base station or the first base station if you have several.
See the enhancements to-do list.
These are like donate buttons except you don't have to donate anything to support the project but treat yourself on
- Atmo
- Netatmo weather station
- Additional indoor module for Netatmo weather station
- Wind gauge for Netatmo weather station
- Rain gauge for Netatmo weather station