Accelerating Gustavson-based SpMM on Embedded FPGAs with Element-wise Parallelism and Access Pattern-aware Caches
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
We implement and evaluate the design on the Xilinx ZCU106 platform under 100MHz. We synthesis and generate the bitstream using the Xilinx Vitis toolchain v2022.1.
- The Preprocessing includes the python code of converting .mtx file to binaries.
- The HLS folder includes the source code of SpMM design.
- The SDK folder includes the driver code for the FPGA design in the Vitis IDE.
Currently, two cases are not supported: 1) empty rows exist; 2) the number of partial results exceed 1000. We will support these cases in the future.
For now, benchmarks we use are as follows:
| Benchmark | Cycles |
| poisson3Da | 19878983 |
| raefsky1 | 27458639 |
| crystk01 | 21885313 |
| s3rmt3m3 | 8628745 |
| t2dah_a | 5582450 |
| nasa2910 | 12797230 |
| bcsstk24 | 7588259 |
| cavity26 | 6632677 |
| ex9 | 4011290 |
| af23560 | 15408694 |