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jverkoey edited this page Jul 24, 2012 · 1 revision

Presented below are the binary footprints of adding specific features to Nimbus.

These numbers were generated by creating an empty project and building it for Device Release. At a base line the project created a binary that was 20KB. Nimbus features were added one-by-one and the delta is recorded below.

       Feature footprint     Total footprint (with dependencies) Third Party Libraries
Core:               40KB                                    40KB
Models:             80KB                                   120KB
AttributedLabel:    36KB                                    76KB
Badge:               8KB                                    48KB
CSS:               164KB                                   204KB (AFNetworking)
NetworkImageView:   20KB                                   128KB (AFNetworking)
Interapp:           12KB                                    52KB
Launcher:           24KB                                    80KB
Overview:           12KB                                   132KB
PagingScrollView:   16KB                                    56KB
Photos:             36KB                                    92KB
WebController:      16KB                                    56KB
Total:             464KB

Third Party
AFNetworking:       68KB                                    68KB