MyShell is a small python library for creating basic shells/menus.
- Easy to develop with.
- Auto-complete
- Support python 2 and 3.
- Basic shell
This function called in myshell.shell_add_option,
and will be executed when the user enter the option.
args - args[0], args[1] etc... the command line arguments,
passed by the user.
every function needs (args) !
def print_database(args):
if args[0] == "--help":
print("Hey help")
This will create a basic shell interface.
def shell():
myshell.shell_add_option("list", "List files", print_database)
myshell.shell_add_option("get", "get files", print_database)
myshell.shell_add_option("dl", "download files", print_database)
myshell.shell_add_option("upload", "upload files", print_database)
Starts the shell.
- Basic yes/no menu:
This will create a basic yes/no menu.
def menu():
0 - for yes/no menu.
1 - for list menu for example:
1) red
2) blue
3) yellow
menu = myshell.Menu(0)
menu.add_entry("Do you want to continue? ", print_database)
value ="> Please select answer")
print("You selected: %s" %value)
That's easy!
Contributions are very welcome!
- fork the repository
- clone the repo (git clone [email protected]:USERNAME/myshell.git)
- make your changes
- Add yourself in contributors.txt
- push the repository
- make a pull request
Thank you - and happy contributing!