A tool to search keys in multiple Redis' databases
redis-query [OPTIONS] <QUERY>
<QUERY> The pattern used to filter the keys as defined in the Redis doc
-c, --contains Match the keys using contains (case-insensitive)
--color Colorizes the output
-d, --db <DB> Select the database to query. If no database is specified the tool
will search in all the available databases [default: -1]
-h, --hostname <HOSTNAME> Server hostname [default:]
--help Print help information
-p, --port <PORT> Server port [default: 6379]
-t, --show-ttl Shows the TTL associated with the keys
-v, --show-value Shows the values associated with the keys
-V, --version Print version information
Assuming that Redis contains 2 databases with the following content:
Database 0
Key | Value |
aThing | Derby Rambla |
person_12 | luca |
person_23 | anna |
something | a value |
Database 1
Key | Value |
something_else | another value |
Bookmarks_97 | https://github.com/lucapinelli/redis-query |
Bookmarks_163 | https://redis.io/commands#generic |
bookmarks_count | 2 |
To get the keys in all the databases:
$ redis-query "*"
DB(0) aThing, person_12, person_23, something
DB(1) Bookmarks_97, Bookmarks_163, something_else, bookmarks_count
To search, in all the databases, the keys that matches the pattern 'something*':
$ redis-query "something*"
DB(0) something
DB(1) something_else
To show the values associated with the keys:
$ redis-query --show-value "something*"
DB(0) something = a value
DB(1) something_else = another value
To search the keys only in the database 1:
$ redis-query --db 1 "something*"
DB(1) something_else
To search the keys that contains "bookmark" (case insensitive):
$ redis-query --contains "bookmark"
DB(1) Bookmarks_97, Bookmarks_163, bookmarks_count
# this is the same of using:
$ redis-query "*[Bb][Oo][Oo][Kk][Mm][Aa][Rr][Kk]*"
DB(1) Bookmarks_97, Bookmarks_163, bookmarks_count
cargo install redis-query