This is a experiental demo project to test integration of a online shop with the Ethereum Blockchain. Technologies: Polymer WebComponents, Truffle, Ganache, Web3...
The "shop/" folder has a polymer single-page-application demo with custom components implemented by me to use Web3 and Truffle framework to manage the integration with the remote Ethereum contracts.
Carbono Web Components are developed by: lucasa at gmail |
sudo npm install -g truffle ganache-cli bower
cd contracts-workspace/
npm install
cd chaincommerce-shop/contracts-chaincommerce
The contract specification JSON file was copied to the "shop/contracts/".
In a new terminal, start a local ethereum node.
ganache-cli -p 9545
Call manually a contract method to register offers of demo products:
ProductID: "teste"
truffle console truffle(development)> ChainCommerce.deployed().then(instance => instance.setupDemo('teste', {value:11111111111})).then(result => storeData = result)
cd chaincommerce-shop/shop
polymer serve
Open the shop at:
Buy some product and see the account balance. The tax to convert the price from Dolar to Eth can be adjusted (price[2018] DOLAR_ETH = 0.004347826 ).
Polymer Shop Documentation:
Truffle Contract Tutorial: