To run this software you must already have docker and docker-compose installed then:
- setup .env file following the .env.sample file:
NODE_PORT=8030 -- port node application will run \ SECRET=SHHHTESTING --- JWT secret
- setup your cors whitelist domain inside: src/config/cors.json , keep the pattern
- start database container
$ docker-compose up -d --build db
- seed database
$ docker-compose run -d --rm restore
- start backend container
$ docker-compose up -d node
it will run tow containers, one for the database ( Mongodb) and other for the backend
- after that you app should be available to use on the port you've choosen on your .env file
For testing and avaliation of this app, the database password is still hardcoded on the docker-compose.yml file.
database diagram is inside file: ./Comicclan db diagram.pdf
model schemas inside ./src/shared/infra/database/mongoose/model
- users:
"user": "lucassantos",
"alias": "testl",
"pass": "pass1",
"email": "[email protected]"
"user": "newUser2",
"alias": "test2",
"pass": "pass2",
"email": "[email protected]"
"user": "newUser3",
"alias": "test3",
"pass": "pass3",
"email": "[email protected]"
Routes are divided into authenticated routes and those who don't require authentication
- /user/register :
Request type : POST
Creates a new user if e-mail no already used Sample body
"user": "lucassantos", - String between 5 and 40 characters
"alias": "test1",- String between 5 and 40 characters
"pass": "pass123",- String between 5 and 15 characters
"email": "[email protected]"- must be a valid email
} returns 201 when user created
- /user/login :
Request type : POST
Authenticates user if email and password are correct Sample body
"pass": "pass123",- String between 5 and 15 characters
"email": "[email protected]"- must be a valid email
return 201 and adds a cookie to response
- /post :
Request type : POST
Creates a new Post
Sample body
"text": "Sample new post here",- String between 1 and 500 characters
return 201 when post Created
- /post/comment :
Request type : POST
Creates a new Post
Sample body
"postId": "das857das8da-d8sa6da97", - String uuid v4
"text": "Sample new post here",- String between 1 and 500 characters
return 201 when post Created
- /post/#page :
Request type : GET
Gets all recent posts limited to 15 by page #page - Number number of the post page for request
return 200 0 to 15 posts on response body
Sample Response
data: [
id: String uuid - post ID,
userId: String uuid - post creator ID ,
text: String - post text,
date: Date - date of creation,
- /post/comment/#postId/#page :
Request type : GET
Gets all recent post's comments limited to 15 by page #postId - String uuid - id of the post being searched
#page - Number number of the comment page for request
return 200 - 0 to 15 comments on response body
Sample Response
data: [
{ text: String - comment's text
userId: String uuid - user who did the comment
date: Date - date the comment was created