Project Title: Zywa Card Status API
github Link :
Problem Statement
Zywa's support agents need a centralized way to quickly determine the current status of a user's card. This API combines data from multiple CSV files provided by partner companies to present a single, consolidated view of card statuses.
Project Overview
This project provides a RESTful API endpoint to fetch card statuses based on either a user's phone number or a unique card ID. The solution includes:
Database Integration: A MongoDB to store and query data from CSV files, ensuring persistence beyond in-memory solutions.
API Endpoint: A
endpoint that handles requests, performs data retrieval, and returns the current card status. -
Flexible Design: Well-structured request and response payloads.
Dockerization: A Dockerfile for containerized deployment.
Data Description The project assumes a
folder containing CSV files with relevant card information.
API Endpoint 1.
Method: GET
identifier can be:
Sample Request
Sample Response:
{ "CARD_ID": "ZYW8827", "USER_CONTACT": "585949014", "STATUS_HISTORY": [ { "STATUS": "PICKUP", "COMMENT": "", "TIMESTAMP": "2023-11-12T23:59:00" }, { "STATUS": "DELIVERED", "COMMENT": "DELIVERED", "TIMESTAMP": "2023-11-13T09:34:56" } ] }
API Endpoint 2. After uploading the csv file one can manually update the application
Method: GET
Sample Request
Sample Response:
{ "msg": "SUCCESS" }
Getting Started
Unzip File: Unzip all the files
Set up Environment(optional):
- Create Python Virtual Environment
python -m venv zywa
- activate the env
source zywa/bin/activate
Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Import CSV Data: Copy all the CSV files in data folder
Run the Application:
uvicorn app:app --reload
Test the API:
- go to
- You can test all the APIs from the above url
- go to
- Build Docker Image:
docker build -t card-status-api .
- Run Docker Container:
docker run -p 8000:8000 card-status-api
Technologies Used
- Python
- fastAPI
- MongoDB
- Project Maintainer: Lucky Kushwaha ([email protected])